I can remember having such overwhelming anxiety during the assemblies, and the RELIEF that it was about over and we could get shoved through the crowd to the parking lot and start the long drive home (don't forget I had severe back seat car sickness) From the time we left on these oddessies until we turned on our alley days later, I was white knuckled and intestinally miserable. I never felt like that on vacations that didn't involve an assembly.
As for the spiritual afterglow thing, I have experienced that after some religious concerts and retreats. Kind of scary because your emotions are being deliberately manipulated. Part of me is analyzing whether it is 'safe' and whether is it God vs just a really good motivational speaker.
Think of the frenzy the crowd gets in with music concerts--screaming, mobbing the stage, biting off bird heads......
My favorite was a Billy Graham crusade on teen night. The music was upbeat and worshipful, and all the kids knew the songs and the guest musicians. In my opinion, Rev Graham is a calm, sincere, dedicated minister that moves people with his honest concern. Watching all those kids go foreward, having their big emotional experience, was fantastic. But I thought about how Marilyn Manson can whip up a crowd even easier...