I admit, I watch this show regularly and it is a major discussion in the work space. We all think Chris is going win and it is his contest to loss at this point. Although there are a couple of men who like Kat. No one seems to be a big Elliott fan, and most think Taylor is fun, but not as talented as Chris and Kat. What do you think? Are you willing to admit you watch it, let alone give an opinion?
American Idol ... will Chris win?
by free2beme 21 Replies latest jw friends
Chris is really good, but I love either Taylor or Kat.
I do think Chris is going to win it. I just prefer the styles of the other two.
Tonight's show was really good. I even liked Elliot, and I usually don't.
Hard to predict who will go this time. Maybe Kat.
i watch it!
chris has the most commercial voice of all of them.. as far as being able to just jump right in and start a recording career.. but he's losing on www.dialidol.com last time i checked!
tonight elliot was awesome..he's a great entertainer as well as taylor..the lil chicky K... she's too young and pretty.. old ladies like me hate her just for that reason LOL
but she does have a great voice.
i will be shocked if it comes down to elliot and taylor.
to all of our horror, dialidol.com a website not connnected with AI has chris fighteing it out with kat for the bottom. Like it or not, dialidol has been correct the last 4 weks. They have sometimes had the bottom one wrong, which I hope is ture here. currently they have chris at bottom and kat right above himl. if it holds true, as in previous weeks, kat hopefully will go home and leave our smoldering hot rocker to face another week,
please don't send chris home
a Christian
Chris will not only not win. He will be voted off tomorrow night. Here are the latest stats from Dial idol as of 12:45 AM EST:
First their "Score" based on a weighting of the busy signals taking into several factors:
RankIdol DialIdol Score Margin Of Error Actual Rank 1-2 Taylor Hicks 38.027 1.658 - 1-2 Elliott Yamin 37.18 1.67 - 3-4 Katharine McPhee 33.04 1.724 - 3-4 Chris Daughtry 32.72 1.728 - Busy signal % all 8 lines:
Idol Busy Percent Actual Rank Taylor Hicks 81.349 - Taylor Hicks #2 80.319 - Elliott Yamin 78.987 - Elliott Yamin #2 77.981 - Chris Daughtry 72.317 - Katharine McPhee 69.724 - Katharine McPhee #2 67.099 - Chris Daughtry #2 63.809 - -
Taylor is going to win, because he got SOUL! I am so tired of the new brand of whiny male vocalists. I like to hear guys who sing like men!
I think all the singers are terrific. I can see any one of them as the winner. I hate to think of any of them going home!
IMO... I don't like Kat for the simple reason that her singing does not seem 'real' to me. She has been training for years (mommy is a vocal coach) and even though she CAN sing, there's something missing, there's no feeling, no.... hmmm, SOUL!
Taylor, Chris and even Elliot seem to have that "natural" feel to their voices. As females go, I would have taken Paris further than Kat, hands down. Kat's performances have been the most inconsistent of anyone's in the last few weeks.
I honestly want Taylor to win. If not him, then Chris. Elliot seems like a very humble, nice kid, too bad he doesn't look like Ace. For as Murphy's Laws state: "Beauty is Skin Deep... ugly goes to the bone." -
I do not like kat at all. I think Taylor is very talented but a little too weird for me. And I think he is too old for the young crowd to relate to. I love Chris and he has the best shot of winning. But, I also like Elliot since the beginning. I would say it will come down to chris and elliot. Kat is going home tonight partly because of her mistake last night and becuase she is not even close to the talent of the three guys left.
a christian, i have been following dialidol.com for the last 4 weeks. almost everytime they have had the bottom person, the one that should go home-wrong. It has been the one above them that went home. right now Chris and Kat are within a few votes of each others. .
one thing I am also wondering about, ever seen the voteforthe worst site? they have taylor as worst and encourge everyone to vote for hm. maybe he is getting extra votes from them.
also i though Elliot got a lot of pity votes last night.
like it or not, chris was not as good as he should have been last night. but he was better than kat.