I WANT CHRIS TO WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love everything about him .I'll buy his CD today if he had one . Kat has a great voice when she is not a bundle of nerves.Beautiful girl but not consistantly good performances. Taylor is fun, Las Vegas fun not American Idol fun. Elliot is a very good singer, but boring.
American Idol ... will Chris win?
by free2beme 21 Replies latest jw friends
I think Taylor is very talented but a little too weird for me. And I think he is too old for the young crowd to relate to.
Since when is 29 years old too freeking old? Are you kidding me? That's just a baby from my vantage point....
a Christian
You wrote: almost everytime they [DialIdol] have had the bottom person, the one that should go home-wrong. It has been the one above them that went home. right now Chris and Kat are within a few votes of each others.
You are right about that. They are actually only predicting that either Chris or Kat will go home. Both of their names are in red, meaning either of them can go. The margin of error makes this too close to call. I think Kat is gonna go.
I would be shocked if they vote Chris off tonight. Kat actually deserves to go because of last night's performance. I still voted for her, and called in before they said the lines were open. After that, it was very hard to get through, but I managed to vote twice for Taylor, by hitting redial quite a few times.
I saw Simon interviewed on TV today, and he said he thought Chris and Taylor would be the final two.
the AI people (the DB) are all going nuts b/c of dialidol site and another site, zaba search. it also has chris and kat at he bottom but how they arrive at that -who knows.
Well, I guess Chris will not be winning
Wednesday: Dialidol has a computer program you can download that will dial and vote for you. While it is dialing and voting, it keeps track of votes that get through and busy signals. (The more busy signals, the more votes the person is getting...) Then it takes those numbers and runs some statictic mumbo jumbo and they predict the person to be voted off and the person with the most votes. They are sometimes wrong. But they are mostly always in the ballpark. It is a good indicator, but does not take into account text votes. There is also "Aunt Edna"...a person who somehow spoils who got the most text votes....
I kindly will have to say no he won't win, cuz he was voted off tonight, sorry free2beme. Vote for Taylor(of the gray hair class)now, lol.
see i really honestly think taylor will win, not because of his talent or his dancing skills (cough cough, NO RHYTHM cough cough) but because we are in love with nerds at the moment... but elliott is the most talented of the bunch and katherine is, OBVIOUSLY, the hottest thing on the planet, or at least since kelly clarkson (slobber slobber)... i think it will be taylor... cuz hes umm, different yeah different
the infamous one