Any criminals in your congregation?
by badboy 31 Replies latest jw friends
a guy who should of got into trouble with the law (i think he was an elder or MS at the time) for stealing from work just got disfellowshipped.
recently his wife (not knowing, that i knew what he'd done) told me that despite the things wrong in the org, i should come back and leave them to Jehovah and then said "XXXX could of easily got upset and bitter and stayed away". Doubt that, he got away lightly.
OH and i know lots of people in there who used to use Pirate Software.
One elder in my first cong stole a bunch of money from people who used his business to pay their utility bills. One assumes he paid it back because he wasn't arrested. He was removed as elder but that was the extent of his punishment at the KH. I'm sure he knew exactly how to play things to elicit maximum sympathy from his fellow elders. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a sociopath...didn't ever seem to think he was in the wrong and never appeared to be overly bothered by a conscience.
I remember when I joined, a brother told me that there was a brother in this congregation who was a criminal, but the truth changed that person, and now he is a brother just like the rest of us.
At first I found that so forgiving, but then doesn't a criminal mind remain a potential danger....
People in the congo who perpetuate the lie, despite overwhelming evidence that it is a lie, could be said to be guilty of criminal acts.
Elders who fit the wolves-in-sheep's-clothing description in the Bible are certainly guilty of criminal acts.
Governing body members who speak out of both sides of their mouths on blood, the UN/NGO connection, voting, alternative military service, and soon, are war criminals and should be brought to justice.
But I'm not holding my breath.
Crimes committed before becoming JWs?
Crimes committed after becoming JWs?
Are you asking about criminals who got caught or should have gotten caught?
I grew up in the Port Arthur Central congregation (USA - Texas). In this congregation was a convicted child molester named DARRYL SCOTT DICKERSON. He was convicted of "11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child". Basically he raped a six-year-old girl. You can read more about this wonderful guy by clicking this link for the Texas Sex Offender Database: I was still in the congregation there was an on-going "drama" about how the "evil" judge was infringing on his "Freedom of Religion" by baring him from going door-to-door. The congregation just couldn't understand why the judge didn't want a child rapist to go around knocking on everyones' door.
Oh, and by the way, the elders did not permit anyone to discuss the SECRET crime that Darryl had committed. I once tried to ask about what he had done and the elders got very upset and told me it was CONFIDENTIAL and was not of concern to anyone in the congregation.
I'm sure glad we now have the Sex Offender database on the internet, so now I know what it was he did
sickening really