JW's don't lie, The devil is the father of lies, so JW's never lie.... right?
Did a JW ever lie to you?
by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends
wrong, my stepdad is a jw and lies then and still does, my old friends then did (me too i admit lol)
JH, we all lie to some degree or another. But I have been told BIG lies by JWs and they even lie about lying about it when you have proof/eyewitnesses.
hell the society lie
I was told I was going to die at Armageddon if I wasn’t baptized. Does that count?
Elders lie
Its their way of getting to the truth.
for example: You better not lie to us because we know all about it.....some/one close to you told us all about it.
The whole WTBTS is a lie...isn't it?
I have had JW's lie to me...I have known JW's to lie about someone else which caused a lot of serious problems and even being wrongly DF'd for other JW's lies.
Hell...even I lied as a JW....But I never lied to cause trouble and get people hurt. It was lies...Like "I did not go to the meeting because I was not feeling well" eventually I told the truth and just said "I no longer want to go the meetings"
Never had any elders directly lie about me, but I've seen it happen to others and I've definitely had them sneak around behind my back.
Oh, yes--I can think of many times! I remember a well-known elder who lied to an elderly sister because he did not want to accept her invitation to come over to her home! He and his wife spent the afternoon with another witness family that they preferred!
Same elder says that he hates listening to peoples problems and never liked being an elder! He's in his 70's!
I remember a sister who used her daughter in a lie to try to get her own way with a situation!
Lots more..........................
Oh but don't you remember, it's not a lie--it's Theocractic Warfare.