Of course, dummy.
Did a JW ever lie to you?
by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends
Is the Pope Catholic?
Lying is bad, but a Theocratic lie is acceptable. I know that many confused the two. Some may not want to lie, but dance around the truth so that they feel that they are not actually lying.
Does that make sense??
I'm tired.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......surely you jest????
White Waves
Master Liar and JW (especially Elders and up on the power scale) are synonyms, aren't they? But they lie for the good of all, don't they?
My JW boyfriend lies!! He has been doing that so long he doesn't even know what the truth is anymore!!
There certainly were some that lied to me when they wanted to sell me a car, but at the end of the day most people lie though innocent little lies don't hurt anyone.
Yes, and the elders were the worst for that. Then again, we were all lying when we went out in service, it just took a while to find that out.
No, not to my knowlege did a jw ever lie to me in all my 35 year association with them.
Their position on telling the truth was very appealing to me as that was one of my father's number one rule in our family.
#1 Rule: Tell the truth
#2 Rule: Keep your hands off things that dont belong to you
#3 Rule: If you think you are going to feel guilty after doing something, then
dont do it!
Pretty good for a "worldly" father I think, dont you? -
My jw was instructed to lie to me by elders. And was instructed that clandestine meetings were ok if it was for God.