SECRET DOCUMENTS: District Convention

by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    BTW, white shirts for men on the platform at the DC is required as is a suit with pants and jacket the same color; black, dark grey, navy are best. I'm told that the DO or his equivalent checks the outfits of the brothers and any sisters with demos....Can you imagine Jesus checking the color of his disciples robes?

    The speaker quality has deteriorated over the years because of all the rules...some of the old-time GB members would disregard the rules though........Fred Franz routinely went overtime by as much as 45 minutes.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Let us rendezvous at 2 Peter 3:8.

  • outnfree

    And to think I used to chafe at us sisters not being allowed the "privilege" of giving talks!

    "That's okay, Teddy, I'll let Brother LT get reamed out for straying from the outline, thank you. He's been known to do that before..."

    ((((gopher)))) - How nice to "see" you!

  • carla

    White shirts required today?!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The speaker quality has deteriorated over the years because of all the rules...some of the old-time GB members would disregard the rules though........Fred Franz routinely went overtime by as much as 45 minutes.

    Yep = at the International in NYC in '73 he went on forever. Only time I ever heard him. Thank God for that.


  • orangefatcat

    Yep FF was a bad one for going way over board at conventions. I guess he figured that he a member of the GB and president so he had privledges with his rank..

    Yes all those stupid rules for clothes worn on the platform. I guess it is really bad now because I was never ever couselled for what I wore at conventions. Is this a new rule. The white shirt I knew about. Some of the brothers really lorded over the cong. brothers. Poor guys. Men on ego trips for sure.

    Wow I am so glad I am not in that organization anymore and I thank God for the courage He gave to me to help me to leave. I am certain of that.

    Speaking about all this reminds me of pomp and ceremony.. what a bunch of baloney.


  • Fleur
    I like that line about "anyone heard using improper language is to be taken aside and lovingly counselled." That might happen , but I doubt it will be loving.

    LOL no kidding! Loving council is as much of an oxymoron as "airline food" or "Republican party." (paraphrasing Johnny Depp)

    I know a kid who was forced to take off his tie and wear that of another guy before going on the stage to give his pioneering experience back in the late 80's. His offense? His suit and tie combo were "too miami vice"

    No, I am not joking.

  • serendipity

    Thanks for posting!

  • cheen

    And remember to say Amen rather than "laterz" after the ending prayer, lol.

  • valkyrie

    How can they lose? Equipment is purchased with donated funds from convention attendees; surplus equipment is "liquidated" at the end of the convention cycle, only after confirmed receipt of a "suggested contribution." Result: net profit!

    Contributions for Surplus Items
    There is no charge for literature or other items at conventions. Flowers, carpet, pools, lumber,

    and other surplus items may be liquidated for suggested contributions by marking

    them accordingly.
    While we are not selling them, the contributions should be placed in a

    nearby contribution box for that purpose. Conventions are not legally obligated to let persons

    take these items unless the suggested contribution is made. When such surplus items

    are liquidated, the total amount of the contributions received should be recorded in the

    "Other" column on the Receipts page (CO(d)-56a) with a notation identifying the item(s)

    in the "Transaction" column.
    Question: Is this what is known in retail establishments as a "price tag"?

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