I`m perplexed; What legislates for the gross lack of love?

by jambon1 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    I`ve been out of the org for a while now and Im perplexed about why there is such a lack of genuine live in the cong`s.

    When you think about it, they are taught to exemplify JC, they are taught to exemplify the 'god of love'. The brothers are constantly encouraged at MS & elder meetings to deal with the brothers 'lovingly'.

    I was told that elders in a JC always look to extend mercy if at all possible.

    JW`s do regularly preach about the transcending love that exists in their cong`s - so different to the cold old system.

    Also, some of the chapters in the 'draw close to Jehovah' publication certainly were very pointed in ways of demonstrating brotherly love. I felt, when I was in, that this book was a breath of fresh air. I was looking for changed attitudes after it was studied, but to no avail.

    The pettyness, gossip/slander, favouritism, face-has-to-fit syndrom, and in some cases pure hate, seems to go on and on despite some good articles/publications.

    So why?

    The only conclusion I have came to is that people are so desperately unhappy in whatever cage they may be in as JW`s that they vent anger towards others.

    Or is it because they 'good' articles are far outshone by the 'bad' ones that encourage strange and unloving conduct. (not that they see it that way).


  • daystar

    Cognitive dissonance... You are told to love your brother and sister and yet rat them out immediately if they exhibit suspicious activity. You are told that God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son, and yet are also taught about all of these horrible, cruel things that God has done or has been done in his name.

    Follow our loving rules or you're a minion of Satan and you'll die a horrendous death at Armaggedon... coming soon.

    Doesn't exactly foster a very loving atmosphere...

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    I think it all fell apart down the hall when we were told by the co to stop associating outside the hall as a congregation. by that I mean there were no longer congregation zoo trip or days out, in-fact groups of 4 or more were frowned upon.

    My congregation took the counsel to heart and became very frosty. A few years later a different Co got up on the platform and told us all off for not being very friendly as a congregation!

  • jambon1
    My congregation took the counsel to heart and became very frosty. A few years later a different Co got up on the platform and told us all off for not being very friendly as a congregation!


  • garybuss

    Jam, Good post. I hope you write a pointed post with specific examples of the Witness behaviors you saw.

    After my experiences with the Witness people I came to the conclusion that they are trained to be mean and they are a hate club.

  • jambon1
    Jam, Good post. I hope you write a pointed post with specific examples of the Witness behaviors you saw.

    OK, Here goes.

    One example.

    One very close family member had came into the twooth to escape the bad old world. She was very young. We encouraged her in, imagining that it would cure her of her problems.

    Well, it did. She was extremely happy after some kind, sincere attention and an amount of spectator love-bombing. She was in the truth & happy.

    Some people moved into the cong who were leading lights on the circuit. Well known. After taking her under her wing they tried to mold her into their ultra pious and spiritualy bigoted ways. We always tried to balance things up at the other end so she would not become like them. Anyway, after a time she began to resist their spiritual policing in her life and made some very good friends over the circuit. Became quite well known and very much liked by all her new friends.

    These bastards took exeption to this and became jelous of her success (spiritually) because they couldnt claim the plaudits. They were also jelous of her popularity among the young ones in the circuit.

    Another situation arose that involved this family member and I can honestly say that it was not her fault. Again, it was connected to unjustified jealousy.

    Well, they made her life hell. Snide comments, moulding talks to have a go at her and her friends, gossiping and just general badness.

    This young gilr`s confidence was shattered because of these jelous, pious, ego-centric bastards. It took her 2 years to get over their maliciousness.

    Every assembly, you would see these characters giving their talks and demonstrations on the platform and you we would hate them. Then feel bad for hating them!!

    The point is; this was an innocent young girl who at 1st saw nothing but the good in the truth and yet, through time, she was treated terribly by a few nutters. Of course, they tell you that the onnus is on YOU to forgive, but sometimes its hard to see why people have acted in these ways. She is still in and persevering. In my case, it was the beginning of the end.


  • sir82
    When you think about it, they are taught to exemplify JC, they are taught to exemplify the 'god of love'. The brothers are constantly encouraged at MS & elder meetings to deal with the brothers 'lovingly'.

    Of course, in the next breath, they go on to give a definition of "love" that is twisted beyond recognition.

    "We show love to our neighbors by avoiding all social interaction with them, and limiting our contact preaching efforts...Disfellowshipping is a loving provision, so shunning your own family is showing love....God is so loving, he wants to end poverty, sickness, injustice, etc. etc. He will do this by slaughtering 99.9% of the world's population...how fine it is show love for God by watching your child hemorrhage to death instead of allowing a blood transfusion"

    With constant messages about this kind of love, is it any wonder that JWs claim to be "loving", yet act the way they do?

  • jambon1
    Of course, in the next breath, they go on to give a definition of "love" that is twisted beyond recognition.

    "We show love to our neighbors by avoiding all social interaction with them, and limiting our contact preaching efforts...Disfellowshipping is a loving provision, so shunning your own family is showing love....God is so loving, he wants to end poverty, sickness, injustice, etc. etc. He will do this by slaughtering 99.9% of the world's population...how fine it is show love for God by watching your child hemorrhage to death instead of allowing a blood transfusion"

    With constant messages about this kind of love, is it any wonder that JWs claim to be "loving", yet act the way they do?

    Very good points.

    JW la-la land of love!

  • garybuss

    Good post, Thanks!
    Jehovah's Witnesses make hate a religion, they did it to me. Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to have contempt for the good in the world . . . contempt for the good!

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    The conditionality of every action and the fear of anothers' action reflecting on you so you would rather avoid a friend than risk your own neck, even in the smallest of situations. Even in the case of a percieved failing or error. LOVE in this org is really just a control tool.

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