Baptismal date, do you remember?

by Jourles 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jourles

    Yesterday was my 15th year anniversary of being baptized. May 11, 1991. I'm not sure it counts anymore since I was df'd last Feb. 3, 2005, but still, it is a remarkable period of time to pass by and reflect on what changes have occurred.

    I was 18 years old. The "internet" was barely a blip. God, why didn't I follow Jesus' example and get baptized when I was 30? My entire life would have been different - and probably for the better. Most likely, I would simply have been known as someone who was raised in the truth but was never baptized. I would probably have all my childhood friends. My folks would still be talking with me.

    It's amazing how one little step in your life can alter your future forever.

    So do you remember yours? If not, why not? Were you always one of those fringe witnesses that didn't really care? Is there a difference between the people who can remember and those who cannot? The people that can remember - were you a particularly 'strong' JW? Those who cannot remember - were you fairly 'weak' as a JW? I've always wondered how is it that most witnesses don't remember their baptismal date especially when it was ingrained into our heads that it was THE MOST important date in our lives - even more important than a wedding anniversary date.

  • JH

    I remember my baptismal date.

    July 9th, 1988

    I remember being rushed into getting baptized cause the end was any moment now.....

  • Kero-kero

    I was baptised on November 11th 1989 at Hayesbridge assembly hall, Surrey, England, UK. I even had an interview on the platform to tell everyone about the thousands of pounds worth of 'demonic' stuff I destoried so I could make steps tor progess in the Truth and towards baptism. I sat along side another 3. One more brother and two sisters and the elder sat down and interviewed us. We had to pratice the week before in the 'second school' room area at the KH

  • Honesty

    I forget when I was baptised into a spirit directed organization. I do remember the year - 1990.

    I received 14 years of spiritual, mental and emotional abuse from my baptism into a spirit directed organization.

    I do remember when I accepted Jesus as my God and Savior - the last week of December 2004.

    I received freedom and truth that set me free from a spirit directed organization.

    I was baptised in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit on February 6, 2005.

    I received a very nice certificate of my baptism which is suitable for framing.

  • Lapuce

    well remembered the month and year 1994, and it was in september.... thats all I can recall.... It was at a two day assembly.

  • Mulan

    Yes, I remember, May 8 1955. I was 9 years old. I put up a thread about it a few days ago. The date was nagging at me, until I remembered why.

  • luna2

    I don't remember...I could probably reconstruct it. July...ummmmmm....1987 after 3 years of studying. Insane. I was insane.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I remember the date of mine, March 26th 1983, although it's no longer a day I remember with pleasure.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    May 10 1969

  • pratt1

    My baptismal date is Augut 9, 1973 - 1 day after I turned 13.

    My parents were going through a rough patch in their marriage, and I though my getting baptized would bring my mom some happiness.

    To this day she insists she never forced me into it, but it was definitely implied my entire childhood.

    My mom used to say that a jewish boy is consisted a man at age 13, so I needed to step up.

    She just doesn't understand the huge influence she had on my life. and still does.

    Happy belated Anniversary, Mulan (joke)

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