I married into a JW family, my husband, now ex, was Df'D at the time, but reinstated. After he was reinstated he started doing business with a strip club, cleaning it on a daily basis. At first he made me do it, but I had major issues, there were naked pics posted everywhere, and a porn shop with all sorts of toys that were sold in the club as well. When we seperated his family took over the business, against my will cause it was ALL in my name. Any way his dad was an elder and I made issue of them doing business with the club several times, even during the marriage. How could they make money off that business, but why did other witnesses get counselled for cleaning or painting churches? Just curious if anyone else had similar experience.
Did you know any jw who made money off "immoral" businesses?
by snarf 15 Replies latest jw friends
g'day snarf,
The ruling on working for that 'Whore of Babylon™ Christendom was/is that we could not become principle contractors but could work for companies who contracted to work on churches and the like. I worked on many churches and seminaries as a roof plumber and carpenter. My JW conscience™ prevented me working on the crosses and other religious stuff.
Your story reminded me of a new sister in Sydney who was found to be pioneering™ 'off the earnings'. When found out she was quite puzzled, she'd always been a pro and to her it was as natural a proffesion as window cleaning™.
Your story reminded me of a new sister in Sydney who was found to be pioneering™ 'off the earnings'. When found out she was quite puzzled, she'd always been a pro and to her it was as natural a proffesion as window cleaning™.
I bet she was popular with the wives...
I dunno, unc, but I don't think who ever studied with that sis covered all the bases. lol
I knew of dubs who used shady business practices to make a living but none who actually had an "immoral" business. I do think I read here once that there were some in Brooklyn or someplace close that were running some sort of brothel. Pretty sure they had to know that that wasn't just stretching the "conscience" matter thing a little.
This work was contracted directly by our business to the strip club. We had keys to the place, purchased supplies and did the work ourselves. Plus we had a carpet cleaning company, not a cleaning company, so I had to obtain different insurance to compensate for the cleaning end.
Dr Jekyll
Ekkk, you've brought back the memories of those Kings Cross pro's in Sydney
This work was contracted directly by our business to the strip club.
I'm sure I would have been (still would be) uncomfortable working for them too, snarf. Heck, I quit a cleaning job that I had where the guy would leave all his dirty magazines and sex toys out for me to find. Actually, that might have been worse, now that I think about it...more personal, you know? ...and me such an innocent little dubby cleaning girl at the time. ::shivers::
Luna - This was an all nude club and they wanted me to wipe down the poles everyday......YUCK, it still gives me the creeps!!! Plus, it sucked cause all the money I made cleaning, my JW hubby spent most of the money back at the club during business hours.
snarf...that is really, really gross. Hubby was a pig. You had it bad, girl.
Thankfully, I am free of that family now, but I do know that they are still in good standing with the Org. Trust me though, it played a huge mind game with me.