Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-14-06 WT Study (CHRISTIAN BAPTISM)

by blondie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-14-06 WT Study (April 1, 2006 issue date, pages 26-30)(CHRISTIAN BAPTISM) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "What prevents me from getting baptized?"-ACTS 8:36.

    Opening Comments

    "Christian" baptism.........remember Jews were being baptized by John the Baptist (or Baptizer) before Pentecost 33 C.E. The 120 gathered at Pentecost were baptized only in John's baptism. Were they rebaptized in water at 33 C.E. with a Christian baptism? Why not? These men, baptized only in John's baptism, had to be rebaptized.

    (Acts 19:1-7) 19 In the course of events, while A·pol´los was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland parts and came down to Eph´e·sus, and found some disciples; 2 and he said to them: "Did you receive holy spirit when YOU became believers?" They said to him: "Why, we have never heard whether there is a holy spirit." 3 And he said: "In what, then, were YOU baptized?" They said: "In John's baptism." 4 Paul said: "John baptized with the baptism [in symbol] of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." 5 On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul laid his hands upon them, the holy spirit came upon them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying. 7 All together, there were about twelve men.

    Strange concepts in this issue:

    Do JWs consider a relationship with Jesus to be important? In this article, only God is mentioned, and 3 times.

    The WTS teaches that babies cannot be baptized, but how old is old enough...8, 7, 6 years old? Look at page 28; how old is that girl?

    What about those the WTS says "find excuses for evading their Christian responsibility"?

    What is happening at WT baptisms that they devote 2 paragraphs to counsel on "dignified" baptism.

    Will unbaptized people survive Armageddon?


    Q1, 2) How did Philip strike up a conversation with an Ethiopian official, and what attests to the spiritual inclination of this man?

    1) A year or two after the death of Jesus, a government official was traveling south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. A tiring chariot ride of perhaps a thousand miles lay ahead. This devout man had journeyed all the way from Ethiopia to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah. On the lengthy return trip, he was making wise use of his time by reading the Word of God--such was the man's faith. Jehovah took note of this sincere man, and by means of an angel, He directed the disciple Philip to preach to him. -Acts 8:26-28.

    attests--WT attempt to expand the JW vocabulary

    government official--he didn't have to quit his government job now that he was a Christian.

    worship Jehovah--is there any proof that he used the name "Jehovah" in his worship?

    making wise use of his time--hint, hint, rank and file, you should be doing the same, not watching sport shows or Survivor.

    By means of an angel God directed the disciple Philip--the WTS teaches that the angels are directing JWs to doors do the angels do that?

    Did God direct or Jesus? What does the account say? Who directed Philip, God, Jesus, an angel? Who does the WTS says is directing the preaching work?

    (Acts 8:29) 29 So the spirit said to Philip: "Approach and join yourself to this chariot."

    *** w03 5/1 p. 13 Do You Ask, "Where Is Jehovah?" ***

    share fully in the work that it is doing under the direction of Jesus Christ.

    *** w95 10/15 p. 12 Why Fear the True God Now? ***

    Is it true that angels are involved in this preaching work? Well, it certainly seems clear that angelic guidance has often brought Jehovah's Witnesses to a home where some distressed soul was yearning, even praying, for spiritual help! For example, two of Jehovah's Witnesses accompanied by a small child were telling the good news on a Caribbean island. As noon approached, the two adults decided they would stop for the day. But the child was unusually keen to visit the next house. When he saw that the adults were not inclined to do so at that time, he went by himself and knocked. A young lady opened the door. When the adults saw this, they went over and talked to her. She invited them in, explaining that right when she heard the knock on the door, she had been praying that God send Witnesses to her to teach her the Bible. Arrangements were made for a Bible study.

    How small a child? 8? 10? Praying to send the witnesses! This story sounds bogus and is unverifiable.

    2) Philip found it easy to strike up a conversation, since the Ethiopian official was reading aloud, as was the custom in those days. Hence, Philip was able to hear that he was reading from the scroll of Isaiah. One simple question from Philip aroused the man's interest: "Do you actually know what you are reading?" This led to a discussion of Isaiah 53:7, 8. Finally, Philip "declared to him the good news about Jesus."-Acts 8:29-35.

    Did Philip offer publications to this man? Or did he expound directly from the scriptures? How many JWs can do this without a prop like the Reasoning book or another WT publication?

    Blurb on page 26: "What prevents me from getting baptized?"

    Q3, 4) (a) Why did Philip baptize the Ethiopian without delay? (b) What questions will we now consider?

    3) Within a short time, the Ethiopian understood Jesus' role in God's purpose, along with the need to become a baptized disciple of Christ. "What prevents me from getting baptized?" he asked Philip upon sighting a onvenient body of water. Of course, these were special circumstances. Here was a man of faith who already worshipped God as a Jewish proselyte. He would probably not have another opportunity to get baptized for a long time. More important, this man understood what God required of him, and he wanted to respond unreservedly. Philip happily consented to his request, and the Ethiopian, after being baptized, "kept going on his way rejoicing." He doubtless became an enthusiastic preacher of the good news in his home country.-Acts 8:36-39.

    Short time--how long do you think this was? Two hours, 3 hours, one day? How many questions do you think he had to answer? Ten, 20, 40, 200? How many questions do people have to answer to be "qualified" to be baptized as JWs?

    Special circumstances...not have another opportunity to get baptized for a long time...this man understood

    Yes, this was no 8-year-old!

    Doubtless became an enthusiastic preacher--Doubtless is a buzzword meaning the Bible does not say but the WTS will now add to the Bible.

    4) Although the steps of dedication and baptism are not to be taken lightly or hastily, the example of the Ethiopian official shows that there have been occasions when individuals were baptized shortly after hearing the truth of
    God's Word.* (Footnote: *The three thousand Jews and proselytes who listened to Peter's speech at Pentecost likewise got baptized without delay. Of course, like the Ethiopian eunuch, they were already familiar with the basic teachings and principles of God's Word.-Acts 2:37-41.) Thus, it is appropriate to consider the following questions: What sort of preparation should precede baptism? To what extent should age be a factor? What spiritual progress should be evident before a person is baptized? Above all, why does Jehovah require his servants to take this step?

    What is the quickest you have seen someone baptized? The WTS once had a six-month study program.

    *** w04 8/15 p. 9 Mexico's Indigenous Peoples Hear the Good News ***

    Mirna remembers what happened to her before the meetings were held in Maya. "I got baptized after three months of Bible study," she says.

    *** w00 3/1 p. 7 God Does Answer Prayers ***

    After four months of Bible study, he qualified for baptism.

    *** w98 1/1 p. 26 There Is Nothing Better Than the Truth ***

    less than three months after I met the Witness at my brother's door, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah and was baptized.

    *** w69 2/15 p. 120 Assemblies Are for Children Too! ***

    Two months after the first contact he was baptized

    his servants--only JWs

    Jesus or God require baptism? Where's Jesus in this article?

    *** w93 4/1 p. 5 Should You Be Baptized? ***

    Why did Jesus require that his disciples be baptized?

    Who decides if a child is ready for baptism, the child, the parents, the elders? If a child thinks they are ready and the parents do not, will the elders baptize the child anyway overruling the parents?

    Eighteen is too young to get married but ten is not too young to get baptized. Which are more serious, the responsibilites of baptism or marriage?

    *** w01 5/15 p. 20 Divine Guidance for Selecting a Marriage Mate ***

    Eighteen-year-old Blossom thought that she was in love with a young man in her congregation. He was a full-time pioneer minister, and they wanted to get married. But her parents asked her to wait one year, feeling that she was still too young.

    *** w02 5/1 p. 28 Implanting Love for Jehovah in Our Children's Hearts ***

    We were touched when Hans Werner got baptized at the age of ten. Several considered him to be too young to dedicate himself to Jehovah, but at the age of 50, he told me how thankful he was to have been serving Jehovah for 40 years.

    *** w92 5/15 p. 14 Is Marriage the Only Key to Happiness? ***

    Traveling overseers report that many Witnesses are marrying too young, often becoming parents before they are ready to shoulder the resulting responsibilities.

    *** g95 4/22 p. 27 Married Too Soon-Can We Succeed? ***

    Clearly, then, marriage is not for children.

    But baptism is.

    A Solemn Agreement

    Q5, 6) (a) How did God's people in the past respond to Jehovah's love? (b) What close relationship with God can we enjoy once we are baptized?

    5) After delivering the Israelites from Egypt, Jehovah offered to accept them as his "special property," to love and protect them and to constitute them "a holy nation." To receive such blessings, however, the people had to respond to God's love in a concrete way. This they did by agreeing to do `all that Jehovah had spoken' and entering into a covenant with him. (Exodus 19:4-9) In the first century, Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of people of all nations, and those who embraced his teaching were baptized. A good relationship
    with God depended on faith in Jesus Christ followed by baptism.-Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38, 41.

    OT example--Israelites from Egypt

    "a holy nation"--today on the 144,000 qualify for that per the WTS not the great crowd

    concrete way...agreeing to do all that God had spoken...entering a covenant (only the 144,000 again)

    Embraced his teaching--or WT teaching?

    *** w98 8/15 p. 19 Strengthening Our Confidence in God's Righteousness ***

    Let us be convinced that obeying Jehovah, following the direction given through his organization and accepting his decisions, is the right thing to do.

    Relationship with God--why not relationship with Jesus?

    Is the relationship of the other sheep as close as the anointed with God (or Jesus)?

    *** w95 7/1 Christian Witnesses With Heavenly Citizenship ***

    What unique relationship with Jesus is enjoyed by those baptized with holy spirit?

    6) These Scriptural accounts show that Jehovah blesses those who make and keep a solemn agreement to serve him. For Christians, dedication and baptism are necessary steps that lead to Jehovah's blessing. We are resolved to follow his ways and seek his guidance. (Psalm 48:14) Jehovah, in turn, figuratively grasps us by the hand and leads us in the way in which we should walk.-Psalm 73:23;
    Isaiah 30:21; 41:10,13.

    Christians--only JWs

    Those who are not baptized as JWs don't have God's blessing.

    Follow his ways--Christ's or God's?

    Doesn't Jesus walk with his followers?

    (Matthew 11:29-30) 29 Take my yoke upon YOU and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and YOU will find refreshment for YOUR souls. 30 For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."
    *** Footnote ***/Rbi8 Matthew 11:29
    Or, "Get under my yoke with me."

    Q7) Why must dedication and baptism be a personal decision?

    7) The motivation for us to take these steps should be love for Jehovah and a desire to serve him. No one should get baptized merely because someone tells him that he has studied long enough or because his friends are getting baptized. Naturally, parents and other mature Christians may encourage a person to think about dedication and baptism. The apostle Peter urged those who heard him at Pentecost to "be baptized." (Acts 2:38) Nevertheless, our dedication is a personal matter, and nobody else can make it for us. The decision to do God's
    will must be our own.-Psalm 40:8.

    Love for Jehovah--not love for Jesus?

    No one should get baptized merely because someone tells him that he has studied long enough or because his friends are getting baptized.

    What kind of encouragement have parents given their children: promised them a car, threatened them with eviction from the family home at the age of 18 if they are not baptized by that time?????

    *** km 2/70 p. 4 Question Box ***

    · How should we go about terminating unfruitful Bible studies?

    This is a question that we ought to consider if any of our present studies have been in progress for approximately six months. Are they coming to the congregation meetings as yet, and are they beginning to make their lives over in harmony with what they have learned from God's Word? If so, we want to continue to help them. But, if not, it may be that we could accomplish more good with our time by using it to witness to others.
    If you realize that you should terminate a particular study, discuss it with the householder in a kindly way. Let him know that you have counted it a privilege to share with him what the Bible says, but remind him that it is a six-month free study course that we offer. Now it is up to him to decide what he will do about what he has learned and to take the initiative to follow through (get baptized).-Josh. 24:14, 15.
    Emphasize the urgency of the times and explain that we want to give others the same opportunity to learn the truth and take their stand on Jehovah's side.-Zeph. 2:3.
    Explain to the householder that you will be available and that if he wants to get in touch with you you will be glad to help him spiritually. Encourage him to think seriously about the course he should take in order to please Jehovah and to pray about it. Urge him to come to the meetings, and let him know that if he really decides to serve Jehovah (get baptized) and regularly associates with the congregation, you will be glad to resume the study, using more advanced material to help him progress to maturity.

    Adequate Preparation for Baptism

    Q8, 9) (a) Why is infant baptism Scripturally unacceptable? (b) What spiritual progress should young ones have made before baptism?

    8) Are children in a position to make an intelligent dedication? The Scriptures give no age requirements for baptism. Still, infants certainly could not become believers, exercise faith, or make a dedication to God. (Acts 8:12) Regarding first-century Christians, historian Augustus Neander states in his book General History of the Christian Religion and Church: "Baptism was administered at first only to adults, as men were accustomed to conceive baptism and faith as strictly connected."

    When does a child cease to be an infant by WTS standards? Would Samuel have been baptized if he had been Christian?

    *** w90 8/1 p. 10 Happy Youths in Jehovah's Service ***

    YOUNG Samuel may have been only three to five years old when he began "ministering" at Jehovah's tabernacle in Shiloh.

    9) In the case of youths, some develop a measure of spirituality at a relatively tender age, while others take longer. Before getting baptized, however, a youngster should have a personal relationship with Jehovah, a sound
    understanding of the fundamentals of the Scriptures, and a clear comprehension of what dedication involves, as is the case with adults.

    measure of spirituality at a relatively tender age

    Like Samuel, 3 to 5 years old?

    Would the WTS let a five-year-old date or get married, or drive a car, or drink alcohol?

    Personal relationship with Jehovah

    Not a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Are they being baptized as Christians?

    understanding of the fundamentals of the Scriptures

    as taught by the WTS

    *** w81 2/15 p. 19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? ***

    No question about it. We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the "faithful and discreet slave" organization.

    Q10) What steps must precede dedication and baptism?

    10) Jesus instructed his disciples to teach new ones all the things he had commanded. (Matthew 28:20) So first of all, the new ones need to acquire an accurate knowledge of the truth, which in turn would enable them to develop faith in Jehovah and in his Word. (Romans 10:17; 1 Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 11:6) Then, when Scriptural truth touches a person's heart, it moves him to repent and turn around from his previous way of life. (Acts 3:19) Finally, the person reaches the point where he desires to dedicate himself to Jehovah and get baptized, as Jesus commanded.

    faith in Jehovah or faith in Jesus?

    *** w04 1/1 p. 9 Let All Declare the Glory of Jehovah ***

    A major theme of Romans is that only those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ can be saved.

    Q11) Why is it important that we regularly share in the preaching work before baptism?

    11) Another important step in the progress toward baptism is that of sharing in preaching the Kingdom good news. This is the principal work that Jehovah has assigned his people during these last days. (Matthew 24: 14) Unbaptized publishers can thus have the joy of speaking about their faith to others. Sharing in this work also equips them for regular and zealous participation in the field ministry after baptism.-Romans 10:9, 10, 14, 15.

    Name one place in the Bible where people had to go door to door before they could be baptized?

    Had Cornelius been going door to door before he was baptized?

    Where in the Bible does it mention "unbaptized publishers"?

    Does Something Prevent You From Getting Baptized?

    Q12) What may hold some back from getting baptized?

    12) Certain ones may hold back from baptism because they are reluctant to accept the responsibility it brings. They realize that to meet Jehovah's standards, they will have to make significant changes in their lives. Or they may fear that they will find it difficult to live up to God's requirements after baptism. Some may even reason, "Maybe one day I will do something bad and be disfellowshipped from the congregation."

    Hold back from baptism...reluctant to accept the responsibility

    make significant changes in their lives

    Yes, letting the WTS do their thinking for them.

    Maybe one disfellowshipped

    Shunned by every family member and friend they have....or those too will be DF'd

    Yes, the WTS can't control these unbaptized people.

    Q13) In Jesus' day, what held certain ones back from becoming Jesus' followers?

    13) In Jesus' day, some allowed personal interests and family ties to hinder them from becoming his disciples. One scribe declared that he would follow Jesus wherever He went. But Jesus pointed out that on many occasions, he did not even have a place to spend the night. When Jesus invited another listener to be his follower, this man replied that he would first need to "bury" his father. Likely, he preferred to stay at home and wait until his father died rather than follow Jesus and care for that family responsibility when it came. Finally, a third said that before following Jesus, he needed to "say good-bye" to his household. Jesus described such procrastination as `looking at the things behind.' Thus, it appears that those who wish to do so will always be able to find excuses for evading their Christian responsibility.-Luke 9: 57-62.

    Likely, he preferred--Likely is another WTS buzzwords where they proceed to add to the Bible account.

    find excuses for evading their Christian responsibility--now there is a blackmail statement.

    Are we to follow Jesus or the WTS?

    Blurb on page 29: Baptism is both a serious and a joyous occasion

    Q14) (a) How did Peter, Andrew, James, and John respond when Jesus invited them to become fishers of men? (b) Why should we not hesitate to accept Jesus' yoke?

    14) The example of Peter, Andrew, James, and John stands in sharp contrast. When Jesus invited them to follow him and become fishers of men, the Bible states: "At once abandoning the nets, they followed him." (Matthew 4:19-22) By readily making that decision, they personally experienced what Jesus later told them: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mildtempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light." (Matthew 11: 29, 30) While baptism does bring a yoke of
    responsibility, Jesus assures us that it is a kindly and bearable one that will refresh us immensely.

    At once abandoning the nets

    Are they suggesting that people get baptized the same day they "hear the word."

    Do people who are baptized by the WTS become followers of Christ (Christians) or followers of Jehovah?

    Jesus' yoke is light, but not that of the WTS with its multitudinous written and unwritten rules governing everything from the length of a man's sideburns to the type of house a woman may buy.

    Q15) How do the examples of Moses and Jeremiah show that we can rely on receiving God's support?

    15) Feelings of inadequacy, of course, are normal. Both Moses and Jeremiah initially felt incapable of handling the assignments Jehovah gave them. (Exodus 3:11; Jeremiah 1:6) How did God reassure them? "I shall prove to be with you," he told Moses. "I am with you to deliver you," he promised Jeremiah. (Exodus 3:12; Jeremiah
    1:8) We too can have confidence in divine support. Love for God and trust in him can help us to overcome lingering doubts about whether we will be able to live up to our dedication. "There is no fear in love," wrote the apostle John, "but perfect love throws fear outside." (1 John 4:18) A little boy may be fearful when he has to walk alone, but he is confident when he walks hand in hand with his father. Likewise, if we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, he promises to `make our paths straight' as we walk alongside him.-Proverbs 3:5, 6.

    Moses and Jeremiah--OT examples for Christian people.

    Don't Christians look to support from Jesus Christ?

    Little boy...hand in hand with his father--leaves girls and women out of this picture.

    Trust in Jehovah--trust in Christ--trust in the organization?

    *** w03 9/1 p. 13 Trust in Jehovah Completely in Times of Distress ***

    In the preceding article, we learned that our trust in Jehovah is manifested when we turn to him in prayer, when we seek direction from his Word, and when we look to his organization for guidance.

    A Dignified Occasion

    Q16) Why does baptism involve total immersion in water?

    16) The baptism itself is usually preceded by a Scriptural talk explaining the significance of Christian baptism. At the conclusion of this talk, candidates are asked to make a public declaration of their faith by answering the two
    baptismal questions. (Romans 10:10; see the box on page 22.) The candidates are then immersed in water, following the pattern set by Jesus himself. The Bible shows that after getting baptized, Jesus "came up from the water" or "out of the water." (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10) Clearly, John the Baptizer had immersed Jesus
    totally.* (Footnote: * The Greek word ba'pti-sma (baptism) signifies "the processes of immersion, submersion and emergence," according to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.) Complete immersion appropriately symbolizes the dramatic change we have made in our life-we figuratively die to our former life course and begin life anew in the service of God.

    Usually preceded by a Scriptural talk.............

    You mean there are times they don't...........probably under persecution?

    2 baptismal questions--notice how they leave out the 200 questions the elders quiz the candidates with.

    John the Baptizer--another change in WTS vocabulary, can't give the Baptists any credit.

    Does the baptism of an anointed Christian mean the same as those who aren't? This scripture is applied only to the anointed by the WTS yet is often quoted when discussing the baptism of the other sheep with the word Compare in front of the citation.

    (Romans 6:3-6) 3 Or do YOU not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, we also should likewise walk in a newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall certainly also be [united with him in the likeness] of his resurrection; 6 because we know that our old personality was impaled with [him], that our sinful body might be made inactive, that we should no longer go on being slaves to sin.

    Q17) How can both the baptism candidates and the observers contribute to the dignity of the occasion?

    17) Baptism is both a serious and a joyful occasion. The Bible indicates that Jesus was praying when John immersed him in the Jordan River. (Luke 3:21, 22) In harmony with this example, baptism candidates today should show proper decorum. And since the Bible urges us to dress with modesty in everyday life, how much
    more so should we heed this counsel on the day of our baptism! (1 Timothy 2:9) Observers can also show due respect by listening carefully to the baptism discourse and by observing the event in an orderly manner.- 1 Corinthians 14:40.

    Show proper decorum...dress with modesty...listening carefully...observing the event in an orderly manner

    *** w95 4/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***

    After the act of baptism, our joy does not require a victory parade, a bouquet of flowers, or a party honoring the one baptized

    *** km 5/99 p. 4 1999 "God's Prophetic Word" District Conventions ***

    Cutoffs, T-shirts with slogans, and similar attire are inappropriate for such a dignified occasion
    it would be inappropriate for candidates to hold hands while being baptized.

    Blessings Enjoyed by Baptized Disciples

    Q18, 19) What privileges and blessings does baptism bring?

    18) Once we have dedicated ourselves to God and are baptized, we become part of a unique family. First of all, Jehovah becomes our Father and our Friend. We were alienated from God before our baptism; now we become reconciled. (2 Corinthians 5:19; Colossians 1:20) Through the sacrifice of Christ, we have drawn close to God and he draws close to us. (James 4:8) The prophet Malachi describes how Jehovah pays attention and listens to those who use and bear his name, and he includes their names in his book of remembrance. "They will
    certainly become mine," God says, "and I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him." -Malachi 3:16-18.

    Part of a unique family

    But not the same as the anointed who only are Christ's brothers.

    Malachi--another OT reference to a Christian relationship

    19) Baptism also enables us to become part of a worldwide brotherhood. When the apostle Peter asked what blessings Christ's disciples would receive for the sacrifices they had made, Jesus promised: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life." (Matthew 19:29) Years later, Peter wrote about "the whole association of brothers" that had developed "in the world." Peter had personally experienced the support and
    blessings of a loving brotherhood, and we can too.-1 Peter 2:17; 5:9.

    CARROT--will inherit everlasting life

    Loving brotherhood...that are taught that everyone who is not a JW will die forever at Armageddon, including babies too young to get baptized.

    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.

    Q20) What blessed prospect does baptism offer?

    20) Furthermore, Jesus indicated that those who follow him "will inherit everlasting life." Yes, dedication and baptism offer the prospect of gaining "a firm hold on the real life"-everlasting life in God's new world. (1 Timothy
    6:19) What better foundation for the future could we possibly build for ourselves and for our families? This blessed prospect will enable us to "walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."-Micah 4:5.

    CARROT--will inherit everlasting life, in case you missed it in paragraph 19.

    CARROT--everlasting life in God's new world (but not in heaven)

    Ends with an OT reference--where is Jesus?

    Can You Explain?

    - How and why should we respond to Jehovah's love?
    - What spiritual progress should precede baptism?
    - Why should we not allow fear of failure or reluctance to accept responsibility to hold us back from baptism?
    - What unique blessings can baptized disciples of Jesus Christ enjoy?

    Concluding Comments

    What is the "mark" mentioned in Ezekiel 9? What saves individuals at Armageddon?

    ***Knowledge book chap. 18 p. 180 Make It Your Aim to Serve God Forever ***

    Bible prophecies show that God views such ones as marked to survive the execution of his judgment soon to come upon this wicked system of things. (Ezekiel 9:1-6; Malachi 3:16, 18) Are you "rightly disposed for everlasting life"? (Acts 13:48) Is it your earnest desire to be marked as one serving God? Dedication and baptism are part of that mark, and they are essential for survival.

    People not baptized as JWs will die at Armageddon per the WTS. Do you see what the push is there for children to get baptized, why parents think that if Armageddon comes tomorrow, their children are toast.........

    No pressure there, eh?

    Spring is flying away. It got pretty cold here, but we know it's too soon to plant. Went fishing last weekend; didn't catch anything. The men at work have all been telling me their best fishing spots. We'll try again. Mother's Day is Sunday...if you have a good relationship with mom, give her a call, send a card, take her out for dinner, but make a reservation. Have a good weekend!

    Love, Blondie

  • SallySue

    Thanks once again, Blondie, for all your hard work and excellent comments.

    In paragraph 20 they have 1 Timothy 6:19 to show that Jesus promised everlasting life on the earth. If JW's would read the verses before and after they would see that that scripture does not show that at all, but is actually talking about the leaders of their cult when it says, ""O Timothy, guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called "knowledge." For making a show of such [knowledge] some have deviated from the faith." Yes, the GB have truely deviated from the faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

    Hope you catch a bunch of fish. Have a great weekend and keep up the wonderful work of giving us comments on the latest WT baloney.

    Sally Sue

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you Blondie!!


    Lady Liberty

  • RubaDub


    Thank you.

    Rub a Dub

  • Severus

    One of the new questions for baptism:

    OD book page 196-197:

    9. To avoid transmitting an infectious or a potentially fatal disease to others, why should an infected person (a) not initiate public displays of affection, such as hugging and kissing? (b) attend the Congregation Book Study at the Kingdom Hall if at all possible? (c) not react negatively when some choose not to invite him into their homes? (d) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (e) Why should one having a communicable disease inform the presiding overseer before getting baptized?

    "Apparently" this was also asked by Phillip in the chariot...

  • Atlantis

    Thank you Blondie! Appreciate the work you do!


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    So I wonder--do the JW great crowded get John's baptism, while the JW anointed get Christ's baptism? Scriptures get very convoluted and confusing when Christians are divided into 2 camps like this.

    And I wonder--how do children repent of their former course of life and "turn around"?

    And if we are not supposed to get baptized because of coersion and pressure from others in the congregation, why do they do it? I was very strongly coerced and pressured and guilted into it, while at the same time they kept urging, "Now make sure you are doing this for the right reason and it really is your decision!" Yeah, right.


  • KW13

    good stuff

  • Virgochik

    "We were alienated from Jehoopla before our baptism..." so, is an unbaptized publisher alienated from Jehoopla? What about an "approved associate?" How about a regular study? Double talk at it's finest!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Excellent review Blondie, best of luck with your fishing.

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