They are so scared of us

by KW13 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LuckyNun

    Yeah, this girl Jen, I made friends with her on LiveJournal, not realizing she was an active JW. Once she found out I'd left the religion, she freaked out and started posting about having nightmares in which she was being tortured by demons.

    If I ONLY had that kind of power! My boss would be checked into a mental health facility after a WEEK! So would that jerk who veered into my lane without using his turn signal, the other day.

  • outnfree

    Yeah, I have one ex-JW scared of me. My former PO's 20-something son who thinks I'm completely bonkers because I dared to deliver the British elder letter (regarding how "known child molesters" are/are not to be "used" by the organization) to him and to everyone else in my former congregation whose address I knew. He, himself, has been DF'd and shunned and then gone back to the Borg at least once, perhaps twice, and is quite the ladies man -- married now, but still a flirt if not a cheat. But I'm to be feared because I was concerned that pedophiles find the JW organization to be a "city of refuge" in most cases.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Ha Ha... why would they be scared of you? They think you are Satan the Devil in hiding?

  • KW13

    exactly lol.

  • DannyHaszard

    I was wrongfully Dfed on elder perjured testimony from the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts on January 5th 1992.I did NOT go quietly.

    The town had one popular for worldlings and dub supermarket the Stop n Shop chain.I still went there for my groceries after my dfing,why not?The entire congregation boycotted the store because it was apostate tainted.

  • KW13

    lol, i laughed before opening the thread danny. i bet they're scared of ya

  • free2beme

    Only in that they do not understand us, or desire too, so much like anything in life, that sprouts fear. I think a lot of JW's are closet readers of apostate sites and know elders can not get into their computer and see where they have been, without them allowing it.

  • mkr32208

    The wife and I were out two nights ago at olive garden and saw some old jw 'friends' (I never really liked them but she did... Well I like the wife! Yeeeow!) Anyway! I saw him come in he walked within two feet of me. I was going to say hi then I realized I couldn't think of his name... Um oh crap! He saw me and did a double take, I smiled and he RAN to the bathroom! His wife came in and sat in the 'cafe' area so he came out tucked his head and zipped by (nimrod, I should have tripped him) anyway he sat down and glanced at me and made eye contact jerked his head away as if he had been burned! Then (I kid you not) they started PRAYING! Holding hands and f*cking PRAYING! I just busted out laughing! So then a few minutes later they told us our table was ready and while we were standing there waiting I told Anne about it and she said "maybe they were praying for their meal?" So we glanced over ... No food... When we glanced we MADE EYE CONTACT AGAIN and guess what... No no you'll never guess!

    THEY STARTED PRAYING AGAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Anne says she feels bad for them now because they have nothing else in their lives... Not me, I like to make them uncomfortable!

    Oh yeah they are terrified of us! We don't walk in lock step with the idiot borg! We're not waiting for the order to drink the kool aid!

  • sass_my_frass

    The dread that the word 'apostate' creates within a JW is so insane it's funny.

  • KW13

    you should of surrounded their table and started chanting.

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