Bethel Downsizing Spin

by Cellist 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer
    Her exact comments were, "I don't know why I didn't leave sooner!”

    Well, she got one thing right, anyways.

  • BizzyBee
    they had been at Bethel over twenty years and they were reassigned to palmyra PA as special pioneers. They have been reassigned to Tremont PA now as

    Special pioneers.

    Holy crap! The End is surely nigh!

  • moomanchu

    I would say the letter is legit after reading it again.

    I sent it to my mom and dad should be interesting.

    bizzy bee you sound like my parents.

  • sf

    Sounds like the transcript to the next ASSembly.


  • Cellist

    Thanks, VM44. I tried to cut and paste, but I haven't got that figured out yet.


  • benext

    That's funny. Out of the 100's of Bethelites I knew, only a small amount ever went out door to door in field service. They would get their time "street witnessing" or tagging along on the pioneers bible studies or return visits.

  • wannaexit

    Just read this thread and have to stop. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Is this connected with the sale of Brooklyn properties I'm sure I read about recently? And the legal restructuring of the JW corporations?

  • free2beme

    Because I work in a large corperation that does something like this too. I can tell you that two factors can be in play here, other then the one we want (That they are failing!).

    1. Price cutting (As much as they have a free work force for hourly, they are not free to feed, house, etc. Expenses are getting higher).

    2. Modern technology (What used to take four people, can often be done with one now and means you need to move those other three to other locations, or home if not needed)

    It could be failure and lack of growth too, but more then likely, these two are a bigger part.

  • IW

    If that letter is genuine it is a sad day for many at Bethel though they may not say it outright. Many gave up a lot to go to Bethel and for those who hoped to make Bethel their life's work I'm sure this whole thing is very disappointing.


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