Drowning in Literature

by 5thGeneration 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    If I hadn't thrown out most of the books, mags, brochures and bound volumes I've accumulated over the decades, I swear I would need to build an addition on my house and call it the "Literature Wing"!

    Anyone else used to, or still are, drowning in literature?

  • KW13

    i've grabbed all the older books that the society tell the witnesses to bin...reason being that they may actually be evidence one day!.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I was, but I moved since I left the wts. My literature, and I accumulated a lot over 25 years, is all in my mums spare room boxed up. I have promised to sort it out one day, but never seem to find time.

  • serendipity

    I have nearly one bookshelf full - 15 linear feet. I'm probably going to investigate eBay for getting rid of the older books. With the WT Library CD, there isn't a need to keep many of the books around. There's also no need to keep older booklets or tracts around either - with a few exceptions.

  • luna2

    I've got a few old books that I'm keeping. I've thrown out all the old mags I had laying around and the duplicate books. Still there is more left than I expected.

    I remember visiting with an older missionary couple who'd retired here several years ago. They'd had to consolidate into a couple of small rooms. They had floor to ceiling bookshelves in their tiny living room/diningroom stuffed with books, magazines, correspondance, bound volumes and research papers. There almost wasn't room for their couple of easy chairs and the battered kitchen table they used to eat on. So much paper....they were literally drowning in literature.

  • Wolfgirl

    You could make a statement by burning them. ;)

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I was just contemplating this morning on what to do with my bookcase full of literature. Burning is one idea entertained . I have several boxes already stored in the garage . The really old literature my mom had are in the Hall's library , the hall library has every magazine , and old publication from the begining , which strikes me as odd since they really don't want us reading old light and getting confused ! ha

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I'm so glad not to be going to meetings , and having to pick up all the back issues I've missed Yikes ! what a pile that would be. I hated having stacks of magazines accumlate every year .I use to save all the old unplaced issues because I felt guilty throwing them out .

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    "Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. "

    Ecclesiastes 12:11
  • blondie

    I have a large library, mostly what is not on the CD. I just cleaned out the duplicates (written in mostly) to trash.

    I worry about the 1984 syndrome of re-writing history.


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