Although I made a big clean up a few years ago, I still would have to throw some more away.
All I really need is a bible. God's word.
I don't need man's non inspired literature
by 5thGeneration 16 Replies latest jw friends
Although I made a big clean up a few years ago, I still would have to throw some more away.
All I really need is a bible. God's word.
I don't need man's non inspired literature
Blondie, have you changed your avator? :-( I like Debra harry
You could make a statement by burning them. ;)--PLEASE don't burn old literature. At least not all of it. Send some to the anti witness ministries, they often need the old stuff to prove to current members that things have not been 'changed' by apostates on the internet.
Lone Ranger, that is me, Debbie Harry, in my current reincarnation. I am now a redhead and that was taken of me earlier this year.
Lone Ranger, that is me, Debbie Harry, in my current reincarnation. I am now a redhead and that was taken of me earlier this year.
I think my mind just broke.
I'm over it. Never mind.
Don't pollute the environment more that it already is. Do what bethel does. Throw it away. Recycle. There is a lot of that trash where it came from.
Even at Bethel the Behthelites would litter the hoppers with Big Bibles, Insight Book and course Wt/Awake. Place trash in the proper receptacle.
Knight Templar
I have the bibles we used at our wedding and that is it, the rest became landfill when we left. It was actually a very freeing experience to throw it all away. Yet, it was a major amount!