All the ads for Da Vinci code and Opus Dei whatever got me thinking about the whole Jesus-Mary thing, and what genes Jesus had.
How was Mary impregnated anyhow? The WT teaches that The big J turned Jesus (or Michael??) into a sperm, then intergalactically transported him into Mary's vagina? (That gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty".)
So here is my first problem. A sperm contains only 23 chromosones, so its HALF a person. Which half of Jesus was left out? And where did this half remain - in heaven or where?
So next, half-Jesus had to swim like hell all on his own to reach Mary's egg, where his 23 chromosones merged with the virgin Mary's 23 chromosones and voila! Human Jesus with 46 chromosones per cell was made.
I remember the WT once saying that all of the imperfections in Mary's 23 chromosones were wiped out by this conception process..but what about the genes from Mary? These must form part of Jesus' DNA or otherwise he could not be called a "human", his ransom would be worthless if he was just a materialized spirit. So what behaviour did this creature inherit from his human mother" His looks? His feelings? How could he be the same creature that lived in heaven?
So as Jesus matured, his sexual organs also must have matured. Did he masturbate as a teenager? Did he have wet dreams? If was a perfect human he must have at least had nocturnal emissions I would say. That's NORMAL according to Gods own mouthpiece the Watchtower.....did he ever think about getting married? Did the pretty Jewish girls ever turn him on? If NOT how then can we trust him to be our savior if he never experinced the normal things all of us humans do?
Then when he died, he was resurrected, I guess the missing half of his chromosones were mixed back together and he became his old self once again.
Sorry to say but this whole Jesus story is so nonsensical to me - fair enough, there may once have been someone called Jesus in my opinion was obviously just a Jewish rebel leader and all the Son of God stuff was made up long after his death.