Jesus' Chromosones

by PopeOfEruke 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Did he have wet dreams?

    No he couldn't have had.

    Under mosaic law if you had a nocturnal emission you were spiritually unclean until you cleaned yourself up.

    LEV 15: 16-17

    "‘Now in case a man has an emission of semen go out from him, he must then bathe all his flesh in water and be unclean until the evening. 17 And any garment and any skin upon which the emission of semen gets to be must be washed with water and be unclean until the evening.

    If we accept that jesus was a normal human being who wasn't married or jerking off then we have to accept that there were days when jesus would have been spiritually unclean BUT we know that jesus was the perfect man and without sin.

  • Abaddon

    One half of Jesus chromosones came from Mary. The other half from some Jewish bloke, NOT Joseph.

    Mary was just a very very very imaginative liar, and not only convinced her family and betrothed hubby she was not a "nasty little slut", but carried on with the story so convincingly Little baby Jesus grew up convinced his was the son of god.

  • Pole

    :Mary was just a very very very imaginative liar, and not only convinced her family and betrothed hubby she was not a "nasty little slut", but carried on with the story so convincingly Little baby Jesus grew up convinced his was the son of god.


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Stone him!

  • luna2
    The police charged the scientist with making an obscene clone fall.

    Hahahahahaha! Very funny, Pope!

    Its strange to me that I never questioned the Jesus story. I guess I used the magic god card to cover anything that couldn't be proven or didn't make sense.. I did the same as a JW. Anything that wasn't logical or couldn't be explained rationally, my mind just glossed over with the thought that Jehover could make it work with a wave of his hand. Not too bright, huh.

  • Tea4Two

    For what it's worth, my theory is: God made Adam from the dust of the earth. The chromosomes and all DNA had to be created by God for Adam to come to life in his perfect body. So it is with Jesus. His human life in this case had to be born from a human descendent of the tribe of Levi and not from the dust ....God gave a human body to his son with all the perfect chromosomes that Adam had before he sinned. Mary's chromosomes had nothing to do with Jesus. She was chosen by God to carry Jesus to birth.

  • DannyHaszard

    I don't know what to think about it Trinity Quandary & Quantum Theory ergo here is my page on the whole deity thingy

  • robhic
    "Because Jesus was a Jew," Langdon said, taking over while Teabing searched for his book, "and the social decorum during that time virtually forbid a Jewish man to be unmarried. According to Jewish custom, celibacy was condemned, and the obligation for a Jewish father was to find a suitable wife for his son. If Jesus were not married, at least one of the Bible’s gospels would have mentioned it and offered some explanation for His unnatural state of bachelorhood."

    Whether or not the book is true or not (I think not...) this fact (?) seemed very plausible and interesting to me. The Jews, like most peoples of their time, were obsessed with procreating -- preferrably males but children, nonetheless. How many passages in the bible underscore having children, needing to have children, the very large families, the importance of male children, and on and on? It was a big deal!

    So, OK, we have jesus starting to get to an age where marriage was pretty much a given, if not outright required. Why or how would he escape needing to be married to fulfill established custom and practice at the time? That and his "perfect" hormones would probably be kicking in right about the age of puberty so his "perfect" horniness" would be raging.

    Mary Magdelene was a reasonable choice. I'm sure marrying a prostitute was frowned on, but jesus didn't generally go for conventional and she was available, so why not? And if not MM, then why not some other woman? Marriage was a big deal, plus jesus was probably ready for some fun after all the years of celibacy.

    Just a thought, but it makes a lot of sense...

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Dear Pope:

    Yes, I definately think Joseph's sperm was there too. The bloodline of Joseph is carefully scripted in the gospels. God told Abraham, that the messiah would be of his seed.. not just a legal formation, (what the JW's and Christadelphians teach.)

    What a mix! What happened to the personality of the fertilized egg before God overwrote it with Jesus' personality? I guess that one was aborted?

    lol...Good point, all 3 personalities together? Weird thought....

  • proplog2

    It wasn't until the discovery of the microscope that humans figured out that women contribute an egg to the reproductive process. The "seed" was believed to be a complete miniature human. Look at the language of the Bible. Women were just soil - fertile or infertile. If a woman didn't conceive it was because she was "barren" a womb without the capacity to grow the "little" person.

    That's why Onan's sin was so bad - they believed he dumped a "seed/person" on the ground to die.

    Even the concept of transferral of Adamic sin is based on an erroneous prescientific idea of reproduction. They believed Adam had complete little people in his "loins" (whatever exactly that was).

    So the early Christians didn't concern themselves with Mary's genetic contribution. There was none. They believed Jesus was a "seed" complete human that grew on Mary's soil.

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