The Challange of Faith

by truth_be_told 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi truth_be_told, and welcome to the board

    It is refreshing to read a post from a current jw that is not judgemental or critical as, I am sure you have gathered, most of us on here are either ex jws or faders.

    I appreciate the reasons for your post, but I am quite happy now that I have left the wts behind me. I disassociated last year, and nothing would persuade me to return.

    Rare for a jw in my experience, you admit that the wts sometimes makes mistakes, though I have yet to hear the hierachy admit to one. However, you appear to put this down to imperfection, which it can be in some cases. In certain situations, however, and I have seen conclusive evidence of this, jws conceal things that they know they should reveal, as in the many child abuse cases that are occurring throughout the jw world today. That cannot be put down to imperfection, it is a deliberate policy to conceal the truth from the authorities, even when those same authorities require such cases to be reported. To me, it is hypocrisy for an organisation that prides itself as being based on truth to lie when it suits them. There were several reasons why I left, but the main one was that I knew by staying I would be a hypocrite, a sharer in the lie, and I am not a liar.

    Since leaving, the research I have done has shown me that the wts does not have the truth, or anything even resembling it. I do not feel I have sinned against the Holy Spirit by leaving. I believe I would be doing that if I returned.


  • truth_be_told

    I understand some of the points made.

    But I can't ignore these points, if you still believe the fundmentals that you learned when you first learnt the truth.

    Each time Jehovah has acted in the past he has had a method of saving his people that were true to him.

    The Flood, you had no option but to be on the ark if you wanted to live, agree or disagree that is a fact.

    Sodom & Gommorah you had to let those Angels lead you away from the city and not look back, fact.

    Passover in Egypt, blood on the door posts for the firstborn to survive,fact.

    66 for 70 CE, directions to get out of Jerusalem, fact.

    These points really can't be disputed, once again Jehovah will have a channel to save his faithfull people, every other epoch has had saving instructions, we have them through the bible today. But have you ever thought at the most critical time for survival after the Great Trib. breaks out there might be even more coming our way. They will be very tough to accept if we have can't handle earthly direction, by men, who make mistakes all the time. It continues to be, and will always be a challange to individual faith.

    We once had CO make us do something our body felt super uncomfortable doing, but we did it, and moved on. Such are the tests of faith Elders face. And sometimes publishers wonder why, Elders do what they do, they(Elders) may argue the point but lose.But in the end a live dog is better off than a dead lion. You can't fall on your sword on principle and still help the brothers & sisters. I get the conscience comment that was made in one post, that's a very tuff one for sure.

  • Highlander

    Since everything is so 'black and white' for you and jehovah, I wish you the best in the upcoming worldwide genocide in which you'll be destroyed for your

    'bad association' with us 'apostates'.

  • Shazard

    There is VERY big difference in OT time and in NT time. Today we HAVE this way of being saved - Jesus Christ. Come to him and you will be saved 100% guarantee! More... CHRIST has came to you allready when you was not able to walk coz of your sin burden. Come to Christ that is all you need. All Lat needed to be saved in Sodom and Gomor - follow Angels (while Lord was talking to Abraham). Now you follow Christ personally. Have relationship with Christ, get to know him personally, talk to him, ask him for answers, seek the truth and you will find Christ, coz he is truth. You won't find anything else - just Jesus Christ as Paul - he didn't wanted to know ANYTHING except Christ! Call upon name of Jesus Christ and you will be saved as there is no other name given in the world in which we have Salvation. Do you have Jesus Christ? Do you allow all your JWs to have relationship with their saviour - Jesus Christ? Coz there is no salvation in ANY organization. Salvation is only in relationship with Christ, when you see Jesus you see God, when you talk to Jesus you talk to God, when Jesus talks - God talks.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi truth_be_told, I hope you stay around for a while - there are plenty of serious issues for you to research here, I'm sure you will find some threads helpful in spite of this being an 'apostates' site.

    These points really can't be disputed, once again Jehovah will have a channel to save his faithfull people, every other epoch has had saving instructions, we have them through the bible today.

    I agree with you. These are the saving instructions in the Bible:

    'Jesus is "the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved.' (Acts 4:11-12, TNIV)

    'For there is one God and one mediator between God and human beings, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all people' (1 Timothy 2:5-6a, TNIV)

    No mention of a Governing Body or organization to arrange salvation. Jesus Christ himself is the Ark in whom we are saved from peril.

  • JamesThomas

    WELCOME, to the forum, tbt. You have a gentle way about you which is nice to see. I hope you stick around and share more of that with us.


  • carla

    I have never been a jw and never will be. Researching this extreme high control group quite extensively just proved to me what I already knew, that there is no way God would ever have anything to do with this organization. Your problem and that of most jw's is that you equate the org with God. That my friend is idol worship.

    If this organization had any truth at all it would certainly be able to withstand some real examination. But it can't so it doesn't allow it's members to examine it. That should be a red flag to anybody. We are told in the bible to examine and test. The wt cannot pass any tests and has proved to be a false prophet over and over again.

    The damage inflicted by the wt in God's name, yes, in God's name is appalling. Do not try to tell us that God is leading this org and men just make mistakes. If these men make such constant mistakes, why listen to them at all? Obviously they are not guided by God or the Holy Spirit in any way. They may indeed be guided some spirit but it sure doesn't have anything to do with God. God did use people who did 'bad' things in history, however the difference is that these people stopped doing the 'bad' things. The wt continues to kill, rape, molest, destroy families, spread false prophecies and the list could go on, therefore the only assumption one can come to is that it is most certainly not lead by God, and is not at all bible based.

    The actions of the wt and it's members prods me on to let more people know about this very dangerous cult in our midst everyday.

  • serendipity

    HI truth be told, welcome to the forum!

    the Elders represent Jehovah's Soverienty within the congregations

    Please provide the scripture that supports that statement.

  • MuadDib

    "The Flood, you had no option but to be on the ark if you wanted to live, agree or disagree that is a fact.

    Sodom & Gommorah you had to let those Angels lead you away from the city and not look back, fact.

    Passover in Egypt, blood on the door posts for the firstborn to survive,fact."

    None of those are facts, they are pure mythology. Not only can they be disputed, they can be entirely disproven. Fact.

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board!!

    I have a relationship with my Lord and my God, Jesus that I never could have had while a Jehovah's Witness.

    As a matter of fact, when it became known that I had gone to Him instead of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses it would have been only a matter of time before I would have been summoned to a Judicial Committe on charges of apostasy had I not already publicly rejected the false teachings of the Watchtower Society and verbally disassociated from the organization.

    I am more convinced than ever that no scheme of man can separate me from the love that is in Christ Jesus.

    I pray that you may also find His love and the freedom that He gives those who trust in him alone.

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