Interesting thought on the importance of the name Jehovah.

by PaNiCAtTaCk 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • z

  • z

    Here one of the oldest script known The Dead See Scroll

  • garybuss

    under_believer, you wrote: "the most logical FDS precursor to the WTS would be the Second Adventists (Millerites)"The ONLY predecessors to the Watch Tower Corporation would be the Second Adventists. That's a bullet they can't dodge . . . even though they'd like to.

  • z

    Wow I tried to post sry here is my point

    This is from the OT Psalm Yahweh is scribed 5 time ( about 200AD) you can see it at paragraphs #4 , 6,7 ,11, 13, and 16 easy to indemnify look at the last word at # 4 and the first word in # 6 and so on


  • yaddayadda

    I fail to see where the manuscripts are held as having any relevance to the issue whatsoever. One could just as easily argue that it makes perfect sense for the Vatican to have the manuscripts if the Roman Catholic Church is at the heart of the 'apostasy' and 'man of lawlessness' that were predicted.

  • Narkissos

    Btw the ancient Bible mss are dispersed in dozens of libraries and museums throughout the world, and most of the oldest ones are by no means a "legacy" since they were found by modern archaeologists.

  • moomanchu

    An elder in our cong. made the point that if you call Jehovah "God or father" It was like calling your friends "man or lady" instead of using their name.

    Later I thought do you want your children calling you by your name or do you want them to say dad or mom or father or mother.

    Hey Bob can I go out and play?

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello, good post,

    I truly believe, God is bigger than to care, what we call him and if it's pronounced exactly right. It was important to the nation of Isreal, because he had a government on earth that he was providing for the seed to come through, and to provide the typical representation of the kingdom to come. But now, as he is gathering people of every tribe of the earth, he knows, people call him all different names, and is fine with that. At least that's what it seems to me.

  • evergreen

    If you check the Kingdom interlinear translation of the Greek scriptures. The society themselves write on the last page of the FOREWORD "While many are inclined to view the pronounciation 'Yahweh' as the more correct way, we have retained the form 'Jehovah' because of peoples familiarity with it for centuries.

    So what they are saying here is that ok, most hebrew scholars and most other christian denominations believe that "Yahweh" is probably the more accurate rendering of the Tetragrammaton, but we will still continue to use the name "Jehovah" because that name has been in the bible for centuries even though it is probably inaccurate.

  • heathen

    I think the commandment was to not take the name in a worthless way . I think that puts the WTBTS in a bad spot .LOL

    True jesus did tell the apostles and those present that he would be with them all the days until the conclusion of this system of things but how can the WTBTS say that there was an organization all the time but then in 1918 was deemed the only religion that would qualify for the FDS ?

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