Da Vinci book 'shows ignorance'

by William Penwell 42 Replies latest social current

  • undercover
    if that is Mary Magadalene and not John, please tell me where John is in that painting?

    Maybe that is John. Maybe he was effeminate. Maybe Jesus and John were lovers. Jesus did love John more than the rest. There's as much evidence for that as there is for Jesus getting married.

    Since we're talking "The Last Supper", whose hand, holding what looks like a knife, is that behind the second person to the right of Jesus(Jesus' right)?

  • Finally-Free

    With the absence of readily verifiable information the limits to wild speculation are endless.


  • RunningMan

    I just finished the book and was heartily disappointed. On the one hand, it was a mediocre thriller, not a bad way to spend an unused day. But, it was vastly overrated. It's appeal seems to be based on the intrigue that some people feel toward some of the less popular Jesus myths. I would place it in the upper section of the lower half of popular fiction. In other words, not quite trash, but not nearly good enough to warrant 40 million copies. Give me a bad Stephen King over a good Dan Brown any day.

  • Seeker4

    Not sure, I didn't do the painting! But, it totally looks like a woman to me. I'm not saying which woman, just that it is one. One thing I liked about DC was that it made looking at all this stuff a lot of fun. Is much of it nonesense? Very likely! Is it fun still? Sure!

  • undercover
    it was a mediocre thriller, not a bad way to spend an unused day. But, it was vastly overrated.

    I felt kinda the same way. Not a bad book, but not a great book. A good book to read while sitting on the beach drinking a beer and pausing from time to time to watch the bikinis walk by but not good enough to be worth all the commotion its gotten.

    What made the book more enjoyabe for me was that I purchased the "illustrated" version. It had renderings and photos of the locales and the artwork which made it easier to keep up with some of the details of the things that I wasn't that familiar with.

    I think it'll make a better movie. Add a little more energy and action to the chase without losing the intrique and it should be a decent movie worth seeing at matinee prices. Usually I prefer the book to the movie, but this one was almost written as if it was meant to be a movie.

  • HappyDad
    I have no expectations other than it's fiction, and I'll let it go at that.

    How right you are.

    It is hard to understand how supposedly intelligent people want to believe that a book..........fiction at that..........should have such an impact on their lives. I guess the the perceived intellegence is not so great after all. But then again........intelligence has no connection with those who are truely educated.....and can think accordingly.

    Bottom line.............$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    and many millions of it...........for those who are promoting this fiction in all the media forms available.

    I'm sure many of the believers consider Alien Autopsy to be fact also.

    I rest my case.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I haven't read it, but I am thinking of doing so soon. It certainly seems to have ruffled a few feathers among the Catholics.

  • HappyDad

    Nothing wrong with reading it. It is a fascinating book and Dan Brown deserves all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ he gets for writing a best seller.

    But believing it as gospel is another story.

    Sure wish I could convince the reading public into giving me ten million in advance for something I could conjure up and write about it.........and have them believe it.


    P.S. for all you investors reading this forum. I have two acres in Florida that..............one day will be worth a few million...........but I will sell it now for $500,000 cash. Eventually the water covering it will dry up and you will love it.

  • Honesty
    There is a huge amount of conjecture in the book, but some of the history is pretty dead on. Seeker4

    What history is "pretty dead on"?

  • blondie

    On a non-religious DB I post on, they were discussing this; a poll showed 75% said, "It's just a fiction book, get over it."

    As HappyDad said, is history "dead on"?

    I watched a show on the history channel and I'm not convinced even %5 is true based the methods of weighing historical evidence.

    There are basically 4 sources of history (other than archeological objects):

    1) Documents written by people who lived then..supposing they tell the truth and aren't influenced to tell the story that is PC or safe to tell (e.g., say what the Pope says or die).

    2) Documents written by people about 50 years after the event (some people still living that fit the 1st category but it might be safer now to tell the truth)

    3) Documents written by people who never lived during that time, never knew people who did and have to rely on information from category 1 and 2 sorting out the "lies."

    4) Documents written by people based on documents written by people about documents written by people in category 1 and 2. (this is the worst kind of historical source).

    This is assuming that the documents have been investigated carefully and found to be reliable.

    Reminds you of checking the Bible's authenticity.....?

    Blondie (it's just a fiction book)

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