Da Vinci book 'shows ignorance'

by William Penwell 42 Replies latest social current

  • free2beme

    You know this is the best kind of publicity. Just ask Mel Gibson and his earnings for "The Passion of the Christ"

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Da Vinci Code = Bible Both are fictious books. No one has convinced me otherwise.

  • free2beme

    You would think, from all the uproar, that someone put it in the nonfiction department. Christians should honestly be glad that it has attracted a lot of people to their religion in a time and age when most people are cooling off in the religion department.

  • pooka

    I loved the book and cant wait to see the movie. The book makes you think about alot of things......alot of what if's.

  • Gill

    XJW - The 'roots' that I refer to are not related to the fact that the story is a fun read, and that's all.

    The 'roots' are, that Jesus, or 'Saviour' was one of many men who tried to liberate the Jews from the Romans. But he was not the Son of God. He was a man. As the Roman Empire lost gradually control of lands, it sought control of minds. Constantine, and his mother helped found the Roman Catholic Church and were able to then to begin the new control of the minds, with instead of an army, the Holy Roman Empire/Roman Catholic Church.

    That is the briefest explanation I can give on 'what happened'. Basically, generations upon generations of people were fooled into believing a recurring myth in human history. A Saviour would come, the result of union between God and a Virgin woman and...vavavom! The human race would...in time...because it was always eventually....be saved.

    The Roman Catholic Church held the 'secret' that Jesus was just an ordinary man. It discarded information/books/scrolls that would prove this to be so. It persecuted and murdered any who thought differently. It grew financially into a monster that did not want to lose control of its new Empire...the hearts and minds of men and women. It controlled its subjects with a rod of iron. It demanded their money.

    If there is only ONE thing that could make you think and doubt, it should be the Virgin Birth!

    I know I've simplified this to the tiniest basics I can give you....but if you want to know more and search for what is far more likely to have happened than the total BS we have all been fed for two milleniums, I can only suggest that you do what I've done. Begin reading EVERYTHING you can lay your hands on on , prehistory, ancient history, religious history, (including freemasonry and Knights templar : ) ) I mean EVERYTHING!!!!

    Listen to what others have to say with an open mind.

    You may not find the ABSOLUTE truth....but you may find Freedom from nonsense and superstition....and all control.

    Then you will find, that you're a good person, not because some religion tells you to be, but because You are a Good Person.

    When that day comes....well, then you will be free and liberated and probably an even better, happier person that you can ever have imagined possible.

    Start reading.

  • unclebruce

    At first I was peeved at the writters blatant theft and unscholarly work. Now though I see the value it has had in raising questions hid and repressed by the dominant patriarchal hierachy that has dominated the masses for so long.

    Saying it is "just fiction" is like saying Marylin was "just an actress". It's wonderful that at last the offical history of the western Christian Church is being questioned. The truth is out there .. in the study of history.

  • Lilycurly

    It might not be all facts...

    But what I really like about the book is that it will make the majority of people who read it question things.

    No need to take everything you read in there as 100% fact, but at least, it makes the population want to dive a little deeper, research stuff like that and not just go with what they have been thought.

    Now the movie will probably be very good, I can't wait to see it....I really hope my dad will go to...

  • katiekitten

    I loved the book (which I guess shows what a pseudo I am).

    I think for one story book to have caused so much furore is amazing. You cant turn the telly on without there being programme attempting to prove or disprove it.

    WOW - the guy must be laughing all the way to the bank (or the high court).

    Now, if only I was clever enough to write a book that got millions of people argueing...

  • Jourles

    What I find amusing is that some of you are arguing the gender of a specific face in a painting and then correlating it to actual history. Does anyone else see the discrepancy here? Was Da Vinci present during the last supper? As far as anyone knows, he was simply making an educated guess or espousing his own person opinion of what happened and then put it onto canvas. It would be similar to me painting a picture of Monica Lewinsky with a strap-on giving Bill a reach around from the rear. Did it happen? Who's to say? I wasn't there, but I heard some kinky stuff went on.

    Point is, NO ONE living today or a thousand years ago knows for sure who was present at the last supper. And a Da Vinci painting doesn't even come close to qualifying as proof. Bottom line is, was he there? No. Then leave it at that and speculate away. Hell, our Society today can't even agree on if the Mono Lisa is a "self-portrait" or if it was an actual woman.

  • sf

    Ah yes, the bible. A book of fiction.

    It's got everything you could ever want to entertain yourSELF.

    Loved Angels and Demons by the way.


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