Metatron: Loss of Elders Confirmed

by zack 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Zack said: "Reasoning on the Scriptures? That surely is a joke coming from WTS HEadquearters, since NO ONE is ALLOWED to REASON on the Scriptures, only PARROT what the WTS says the Scriptures are.".........Zack, you're insulting parrots by comparing them to the WTS.

  • free2beme

    I knew a lot of men who would have easily expected those terms for the power being an elder would give them.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    To my way of thinking, what we are seeing unfolding before us is the rotten harvest resulting from years of focussing on the wrong goals. Sowing bad seed, if you like. Ever since the mid 20s when Rutherford forcefully, and deliberately altered the method of placing men into positions of leadership in the WT movement, from a congreational arrangement, to a highly controlled one dictated by the centre, we have seen the quality of leaders decline, sometimes markedly.

    When the travelling overseers of the society visit a local congregation, almost the first task they apply themselves to, is examining potential elders. The measuring rod used to assess the capacity for leadership, is a mechanical record of field service, which is thus carefully scutinized. And that is where the problem lies. The spiritual worth of an individual is measured in a physical capacity to adhere to the will of the centralized governing authority. No account is taken of other, more fitting qualities that make for spirituality, like a love for the Word of God, or a love for the fellowship of believers. Indeed there is NO other method of measuring spiritual qualifications that the WTS sees fit to regard.

    This is despite the Biblical record that we have preserved for us in the writings of the apostle Paul. Nowhere, in the fifteen elements that qualify a person for leadership in a local assembly of believers, as recorded in 1Tim 3:2-7, is any mention made of one's "field service" as such a qualification. Rather, the attention is focussed exclusively within the body of believers, on the inductee's ability to relate to, and aid the membership. Nowhere is "study" portrayed as a gift, but teaching, with gentleness and temperance is.

    By keeping a tight control on the ones they place into positions of leadership, [amusingly calling this a "theocratic" arrangement] the WTS has ensured that these men are as arrogant, unworthy, and self serving as themselves.

    They create a system of abject conformity and call it love. No wonder the congregations suffer as a result


  • juni
    I never understood what you are saying until my judicial committee. Suddenly I was confronted with friends who had no concern for me and no interest in what I was saying. They refused to answer any questions. The entire process was, "do you believe the WTS is Gods Channel or not?"

    ----- These are words of JWfacts.

    HOW TRUE IS THIS STATEMENT?? From my own personal experience JWfacts hit the bull's eye. When you have personally had this experience, it hits you between the eyes and pierces your heart. Your bubble of unconditional agape love just burst. You feel that you have been associating w/a bunch of traitors who are ready and willing to "turn on you" not interested in what you have to say really or getting to the bottom of the problem.

    I know of one very kind elder who for years was there to help you. As the rest of the body of elders continued on in their fastidious ways, this brother became depressed and withdrawn. He sat with his grandson and only conversed w/him. He felt safe w/this little boy. As I watched this brother I felt bad for him. When I approached him I could sense his uneasiness so I just said "hello ***" and left it at that. The others left him alone of course - they didn't know how to deal with him. He stepped down from eldership and I was so happy that he did. He finally moved and I don't know what happened to him. I think of him quite often and his gentleness and caring ways.


  • metatron

    Follow the trends and what do you see?

    The Watchtower ends, not with a bang, but a whimper. They simply rot away.


  • BluesBrother

    A friend of mine appealed the deletion of himself as an elder . My deletion had also been at the same time and so we were both invited to the committee. For every time he tried to reason his action from the Scriptures, the only answer was "When did the Society use that scripture in that way?"

    That was all they cared about, quoting paragraphs from the WT and letters from "The Society" - Company men all.

    Another elder that I used to know , had a saying "I am a Watchtower man. You could cut me open and you would find the letters WT written all the way through, like a stick of seaside rock"

    He then went on to say some minor criticism of the way they acted but made it clear that he was totally and utterly committed to the organization, no matter what . I used to admire that man. I still do as an individual, he had a lot of good qualities. But to be so fixed on the Organization instead of God or Christ, is just wrong.. .

  • juni
    But to be so fixed on the Organization instead of God or Christ, is just wrong.. .

    AMEN SOULMAN!!!!!!!!!


  • Highlander

    The spiritual worth of an individual is measured in a physical capacity to adhere to the will of the centralized governing authority. No account is taken of other, more fitting qualities that make for spirituality, like a love for the Word of God, or a love for the fellowship of believers. Indeed there is NO other method of measuring spiritual qualifications that the WTS sees fit to regard.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    I prayed to God and told him that I wanted to be a 'man' worshipper! He blessed me and made me an elder!

    Praise God for answering my prayer - no wait! Praise me because I got what I wanted.

    It's such a farce.

    Put your life on hold so hypocritical men can tell you what your relationship with Jehovah God is. They are not qualified and they have never been qualified to 'shepherd'; much less, decide what your place on this earth should be.

    Does anyone else have the answers? (Another question) Are you willing to let these people tell you what the answer should be?

  • OpenFireGlass

    BluesBrother said:

    For every time he tried to reason his action from the Scriptures, the only answer was "When did the Society use that scripture in that way?"


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