Metatron: Loss of Elders Confirmed

by zack 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Panda

    Fortunately many young men are realizing how archaic the WTS thinking is and how mind control takes over your entire life --- wel it's supposed to and if not --- they've got their own ways of using scriptures.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Let us not forget the future crop of JW elders. Many of these "younger ones" who are in line to take over the congregations appear in terrible shape. These are alot of 3rd generation Witnesses where we live and let me tell you, they are no prize. Many simply see "spiritual growth" as progression in the organiztion and NOTHING ELSE. You could take any one of these guys and ask them 5 questions with five scriptures that attacked their faith and twisted reasonings and they would start running for their mommies. They only know the WTS, but in a more distorted way than their parents and grandparents. The longer time moves on the worse it's looks for the future of congregation Elders. No wonder their going to start plucking from Bethel.

  • TheListener

    Perhaps getting rid of the bethel elder arrangement was the first step in a larger plan.

  • unclebruce
    Another elder that I used to know , had a saying "I am a Watchtower man. You could cut me open and you would find the letters WT written all the way through, like a stick of seaside rock"

    Could he spell NAZI?


    This is the secret to JW survival. It kept me out of any and all trouble for all the years I was a Witness™. No matter what, I was "loyal to the society™". When I started to see the watchtower saying silly stuff (like "those with doubts should get a hobby" watchtower circa 1984) that was it for me. That and the canning of Olaf Johnson followed by the revelations about governing body decision making following Ray Franz leaving.

    My wife later called me a dickhead for being "loyal to the sdociety". lol

  • Highlander

    They only know the WTS, but in a more distorted way than their parents and grandparents.

    Kind of like what happens when you use a xerox machine to make a copy of a copy of a copy. Pretty soon that nice original document you had is now extremely

    fuzzy and distorted with very little writing on it that is legible.

  • DaCheech
    You could take any one of these guys and ask them 5 questions with five scriptures that attacked their faith and twisted reasonings and they would start running for their mommies. They only know the WTS, but in a more distorted way than their parents and grandparents.

    This is the product of making our talks from the WT CD. We don't have original thoughts and reasoning..... we just cut and paste "the congo goes "that talk was sooooooooo greeeeat!"".

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