If a sign of God's people, is that the world would turn on them?

by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    ... wouldn't it make sense that they would actually be viewed enough as important, that they might be mentioned in the news a bit? I can honestly say that I hardly hear of any Witnesses being mentioned in the news and when they are, it is a small part that is hardly noticed and not flattering to the Witnesses. If I were to see this sign, as something that made you think a religion was God's chosen, simply on the idea that the world would turn on them. I would have to think the Muslim religion, more then most, is being turned on and warred against, then any other religion out there today. Not that they do not bring it on themselves, but that the shoe seems to fit them more. The Witnesses are just a fly buzzing around in a room that does not notice them as anything more then a annoying bug. So I can not see, anyway they could be turned on in some global way, as they predict. They are just to small! Plus, didn't this already happen to the Jews? and if it did, couldn't that be a influence in the JW's thinking on this? Meaning, if the holocaust never happened, would they have ever come to this kind of illustration of their possible future?

  • mrsjones5

    Trust me, it looks way different from the inside.


  • serendipity

    If you use that as criteria, then the Jews win hands down because of the persecution they've experienced over the centuries.

  • free2beme

    Exactly, the Witnesses have only been in small amounts of issues when compared to other religions. Nothing when compared!

  • Highlander

    And in my opinion, the JW's brought the persecution onto themselves.

  • free2beme

    ... and when they did, it was magnified tenfold to look like something when it wasn't.

  • blondie


    This site monitors religious persecution throughout the world. While JWs have a small part in it, the reporters included the whole story that it is not just JWs being persecuted.

    I can remember JWs saying they were being persecuted at work because of their religion; it was rather their abrasive personality and lax work habits. I was asked once by the supervisor if all JWs were like this woman, then stopped herself, looked at me, and said why aren't you like that? Made be feel like I wasn't a real JW.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    The jws are conditioned to see just about any negative reaction as persecution, like when child abuse cases come to light and the perpetrator ends up in court. That's prosectution really, but they choose to see it differently.

  • Mary
    I can honestly say that I hardly hear of any Witnesses being mentioned in the news and when they are, it is a small part that is hardly noticed.

    Except when they appear on Dateline.

    The Witnesses simply love to give the appearance that they and they alone are God's Chosen Ones, because to them, the world has turned on them. Whenever they have WT studies about the Holocaust, they always try to minimalize what happened to the Jews and instead, stress what happened to them. I even remember seeing an article where they said that the Jews were persecuted simply because they were Jews---they were given no choice to give up their faith. But Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted because they were given the chance to renounce their faith but they refused. To their warped minds, this means that the Witnesses' fate in WWII was proof that they had God's backing. As for the Jews? Well yes it was tragic, but hey---the Jews haven't had God's backing for 2,000 years so let's not lose our focus brothers.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    We all know for a fact there will never be an all out attack on Jehovah's Witnesses from the worlds governments. The very thought of such a thing is absurd. To think that all of earth religions are somehow going to be destroyed expect for the witnesses is a product of fantasy not reality. I can't image for one second the worlds religions being destroyed with the witnesses standng of the sidelines.
    The purpose of the doctrine is simple. Keep current JWs at the edge of their seats. Keep telling them things are happening that they must prepare for by being good JWs. None of the gloom and doom they predict that revolves aroudn the organiztaion will ever come true, but they have created organizational loyalty in the process.

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