I think a lot of Witnesses have figured out this is highly unlikely and put little importance on it these days.
If a sign of God's people, is that the world would turn on them?
by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
I think you would be really suprised free2beme in how many in the organization put their trust in the teaching. Many I know who have really questioned the organization seem allways to come back the the teaching from what I have seen. People who have distanced themselves because of family problems or other reasons have told me "well, I'll know what to do when false religion is destoryed and only true worship remains". I'm not kidding, that kind of blanket trust in the idea that the reaction to some event is going to bring salvation and "knowing the truth" before that event is going to be the only preparation needed. I've heard more Witnesses talk about the destruction of false religion and the coming persecution more than probably any other WT teaching dealling with the "last days". Of course that's just my expierance, it could be differant elsewhere.
If you use that as criteria, then the Jews win hands down because of the persecution they've experienced over the centuries.
I've heard ir argued (by JW, concerning WWII) that the Jews had no choice in their persecution (they couldn't hide the fact they were Jews or they would have), but JW made a stand when they didn't have to. So only JW suffered for the Truth.
Star Moore
Who turned on Jesus? His religion, the Jews turned him in, paid Judas 30 pieces of silver.
Math. 13: 9 NWT 'As for you, look out for yourselves; people will deliver you up to local courts, and you will be beaten in synagogues and be put on the stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them......vs. 12 Furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against parents and have them put ot death, and you will be objects of hatred by all people on account of my name.'
It seems like when we are being d'fed, we are being turned in to a death of sorts and beaten in the synagogue (kingdom hall). The true hatred seems to be, right now..with the WT toward us.
Jesus said his followers would be persecuted on account of his name. The witnesses are never persecuted because of Jesus name. As a matter of fact, most people do not even know they believe in Jesus because they do not preach the biblical gospel about him. Same thing with Mormons. But Witnesses will tell you they are persecuted more. It is simply not true. In those countries where they are persecuted, it is becuase the governments control religion and do not allow any that claim to be Christian to practice their religion. All the Christians in those countries are persecuted not just JWs.
Actually, people can be "persecuted" for doing the wrong thing.
(1 Peter 2:20) . . .. For what merit is there in it if, when YOU are sinning and being slapped, YOU endure it? . . .
All the world's major religions had a history of opposition in their early stages. They represented a significant departure from the status quo and were percieved as a threat to the establishment, be it secular or religious. Off shoot sects and fringe movements likewise have been percieved as so out of the norm, either by doctrin or by behavior (or both) that a certain amount of persecution resulted. So it can't be used as a single criteria for the veracity of the claims of its adherents. Truth (reality) can be substantiated by other criteria. Certainly the bible gives its own definition of how to recognize one "of God" and one that is "the spirit of the anti-Christ". I'll leave it up to the reader to decide if the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" fits the former or the latter!