When I was a Witness, I was very arrogant in my life in thinking I was right in all things. The right religion, the right bible, the right understanding and the right lifestyle. When I left, it was not hard to shake this arrogance and I found at times I was the same person, only with a different "right" message and I annoyed my Witness relatives as much as they annoying me. As even though we both felt more right then the other, we were to damn arrogant to ever listen to anything we already knew we were right about. As I grew as a person more, and learned this life is often more full of wrong knowledge, then right. I find that I am way less arrogant about how right I may or may not think I am. I think at this point in my life, that I am doing just fine in this life and willing to always learn, but I am not right and I do not think anyone really is? The more right people are, the more I see them as wrong and the more I want to be less like them. So in some weird way, I seem to get along better with people now, both the Witnesses and the non Witnesses and yet I am in a lifestyle that is seen as more wrong then any other, because of prejudice thinking in most religion. Yet I am okay with that! I guess the Witness religion did one thing, it helped me to truly develop a new personality, and that seems like the right one for right now?
So, are you arrogant and right in your beliefs?