crazycate: regarding millions now living may never die...

by candidlynuts 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    i've been looking for the past hour for the quotes where recently publications say " MAY " never die instead of " WILL" never die..but so far i haven't found them. they were either here on this site or on one of the other forums.

    i dont have the watchtower cd's to look it up directly, maybe someone else will help us out.

    i'll keep looking though. i seen it as a quote online and then looked it up in the orignal article at my dads.

    i dont know why but i think one was in the revelation climax book. and another was in a watchtower article.

    sorry its taking me so long.

  • jwfacts

    I am unable to work out if this is correct or not. The 2003 CD has may 14 times and will 78 times.
    However most of times it uses the word 'may' it seems to be referring to a public discourse by Rutherford. It is possible that Rutherford named his speech as 'may never die' and then later renamed it 'will never die'.
    Can anyone confirm?

  • heathen

    I agree that whole thing was a sham even in the respect they claimed to have identified the great crowd and still make that claim that in 1935 the heavenly calling was shut off . Now wait a minute , the great crowd are not part of the first resurrection and are not part of the second but actually survive , so how can they continue to say that? Their reasoning is very screwed up and unscriptural on that one.

  • under_believer

    There doesn't seem to be a coverup. Here is an excerpt from the Proclaimers book:

    *** jv p. 719 Noteworthy Events in the Modern-day History of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    1918 The discourse “The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die” is first delivered, on February 24, in Los Angeles, California. On March 31, in Boston, Massachusetts, the talk is entitled “The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die”

    I lost the formatting from the original but they even put the "will" in the second title in italics in the jv book. They're pretty up front that the original Rutherford "discourse" was "may" and then they changed it to "will" for the later speaking campaing and booklet title.

  • M.J.

    Here's the book's text:

    btw, the "millions" referred to all of mankind on earth who would submit to the new government under Christ & the 144,000 and become "redeemed". It was assumed at the time that everyone would live through armageddon.

  • TopHat

    Is it possible? The WTS is the mouthpiece [serpent] of Satan?

    3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

  • heathen

    either way with, May or will never die, it was a false prophesy . The point is most are dead and await the second resurrection after the mellenial reign which they can't even get that right because the current teaching is that the great crowd includes those in the first resurrection . No, the first resurrection is for the "holy remnant" only . The second death has no authority over them .

  • M.J.

    I agree, whether it was "may" or "will", the point was that it would be determined by whether or not these millions would submit to the new authority in the new kingdom on earth.

  • greendawn

    Whether it they write may or will the fact is that the prediction never materialised and Rutherford never apologised for deception, nor did Franz 50 years later with the 1975 fiasco.

  • candidlynuts

    thanks for the clarification peeps!

    i remember it was still a big deal in the early 70s.. i was only a kid but i remember hearing talks where they mentioned the prophetic talk saying millions now living will never die.. and how old the ones hearing that talk were back then so the end had to be NEAR!!!!

    here it is now 30 some odd years later.. they really gotta be old now!

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