I addressed it to a couple of elders. One elder I feel I can trust and one elder is in the Congregation I used to attend.....*COUGH* still assigned to....It is just a letter which expresses my concerns and doubts and personal issues with the WTS and congregation(s) I did not go it to much detail but it should be enough for them to at least understand my veiw point. I have asked if they could reply to me...or at least make some kind of comment...even if it to just try and ease my doubts and concerns. I explained it was not a DA letter but if I still feel unsatisfied and my doubts and concerns have not been eased, then I will have no choice but to DA myself. I kept letter polite, yet to the point but I have a funny feeling they might claim I have become apostate and set me up with a JC with the view to DF me.
I just wrote a 6 page letter
by Kero-kero 25 Replies latest jw friends
My letter was very similiar and I also asked for elders to correct my views if they were wrong. that was two years ago and no one has ever came by. They announced at the hall shortly afterward that my hubby and I are no longer known as Jehovah's Witnesses, which is the same as disfellowship or disasociate anyway. They can do this as per their own descretion now. I don't know if you are aware of this change. I don't remember the article but it said the elders could announce you are no longer a Witness for any actions that "prove" you are no longer loyal to Jehovah. They do not list any examples so I think it is pretty much open to the "elders" interpretation. Good luck, Lilly
Good for you, Kero. Even if they DF you, reading your letter may cause them to do some research and (gasp) some thinking.
Mr. Kim
It is good for you to take a stand. At least the caring Elders will have more "ass wipe" to remove the left over Borg food from their self-righteous buttocks! LMAO
At least you got some things of your chest right! Good luck how ever it goes!
I hope it goes well.
I wrote a personal letter to an elder whom I considered him to be my friend first and elder second, I learned the hard way, Never write anything down as it could come back on you and kick you in the ass.. I expressed my deepest feelings to him regarding my father and mother and what the fuck he did was call my father and told him everything I said and next thing I know it is being used against me in a committee meeting.
I never trusted an elder after that.
My father was real haughty about the whole incident, wonder why cause it was all about him and mom. I guess it touched a nerve or he wouldn't have bothered with it.
and this elder I trusted so much today is no longer an elder . goes to show you. So never again...did I pen anything like that again.
The elder I feel I can trust as not contacted me yet...but I know he is busy. The second elder...who is also PO for the congregation I used to attend told his wife about the letter...how do I know....his wife was at my home, and before I even arrived home he had told her over the phone and she told my wife...so much for c onfidentiality. My wife then started to demand to see the letter. I had a third copy which I printed for myself, so I let her see it...she then started to speak to her father (her parents are staying with us for a few months) Her father is an elder back in Karachi, Pakistan, and then he asked my wife if he could see the copy....I was so angry at all this....it was meant to be between myself and the other two elders...So anyway...I let my father-in-law read the letter...I have nothing to hide...unlike the WTS. Anyway, later on the evening I am told that three elders are coming to visit me.....Sounds like a JC to me.
I just wrote a 6 page letter
I hope you only sent it once, unlike this post.
You did the right thing but you know how the JWs react to anyone having doubts even if they don't expel them they mark them as spiritually weak and the only thing they don't do is to explain to the doubters why their views are erroneous, because simply they can not do that.
That's where we can see that there is something seriously wrong with this organisation and that it has a cultic nature. -
LOL at Stephanus
Yes I know I sent the post twice...The first one did not seem to be posted...In fact I cannot see my topic anywhere...unless I go to profile section and click on 'topics posted'
Anyway I told them I resorted to writing a letter has no one has bothered to talk to me or try and answer my questions....All of a sudden, now I have written the letter 3 elders want to visit me....You know that saying about buses...well it is true in the case of the elders also.
Anyway...thanks everyone for your support I will keep you updated.