<thoughts> Having left just the JW's "cult" or some more to?

by spiceant 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • spiceant

    Hello everyone,

    I have read a lot of text and story's about people that leave the JW's and this appears to be pretty much all that's being talked about.

    I assume you believe that you have done right by your opposing stand to the JW's because you believe you have been done evil (or have seen JW's do evil) and probably right so. Do you people still pray to Jehova and study the bible (on your own for once) as to get to know Jehova's purpose for us?

    I wonder about this because i fear that you might "revert" back to the common western culture (assuming you live in one because you'r after all reading this over the internet) which i appal and detest in very many of its motivational aspects (that is, the motivations of its people) that are crudely speaking, selfish and ultimately, in the generations long run destructive. (as may be apparant as many enviromental issues arise and many people grow more selfish (the western culture) and hungry (africa, bangladesh etc.) every day.

    I hope to get people to learn about the world and humanity as a society and about everything that makes human society as we know it now possible and why Jehova's word (as it were when it was first written down) the bible is probably very important for us because it tells us how human kind can live in completely harmony with the world and with itself to be happy eternally as a consequence of their way of living.

    I believe in a couple of things:

    1. Infinite unselfish compassion (altruism) or infinite love for everything
    2. Absolutely No hate to all life (plant, animal and people)
    3. Absolute hate to sin and the deepest causes of it
    4. An infinitely open mind (tolerance)
    5. Great fear of a superior authority (Jehovah in my case)

    As i see it JW's manage relatively well with points 1 2 and 3 but not with 4 because as i see it now they put faith in elders (and governing body) whom i think are much to often corrupt wether they know it or not point 5 for JW's seems to refer to the JW governing body. I do not say that this is what JW's might be or think or what they are or anything. i believe that this is what they "are" in the corporal world and outside of their individual and collective minds.

    I have a lot of faith (greater then that of any other human organization) in the JW organization but remain very cautious in my whereabouts with them because it appears that no human organization is without a flaw and there are many goats among the sheep atleast untill Jehova's promised seperating (armageddon comes to mind). The (many) JW's dont appear to realise this and i intend to peacefully persuade them to believe otherwise.

    But this is just to noble of me and i will have to turn around my own life before people will take me very seriously in life as we know it, living with my parents and still studying at school really has a negative undertone and it is often unconsciously used as an argument and sometimes even right so.

    Regards hugs and kisses from Sander Buruma (alias spiceant)

  • greendawn

    I can't see why people would want to hate plants. I disagree with you that the JWs are a compassionate lot that is something they certainly aren't and generally I don't think they have really moved far from the current Western capitalistic and materialistic culture, so you are over idealising them unless the JWs in Holland are very different from those in the UK and America.

  • spiceant

    i dont have a lot of faith in the majority of the people in the western culture but i do have a lot in the native dutch people (generally not imported from distant places) altough i dont see them save the world either. Because of my faith in dutch people i have a lot of faith in whichever JW's i might run into but i will have to make that up for myself the 1st time (and last?) i walk into a KH this sunday evening.

  • lovelylil

    Hi spiceant,

    welcome to the forum. here in the states, the Witnesses show NO love or tolerance for anyone but themselves and are taught to HATE non witnesses and therefore address them as "worldly" which is not a nice term.

    Also just for the fact that as an organization they believe God only works through them they are showing their arrogance. God works thru anyone he chooses by use of Holy Spirit. My experience with the witnesses having been one for 12 years is that they are arrogant, unloving, unkind, unjust, people haters, world haters, haters of other religions, scornful, mockful, distrusting of anyone and anything not witness.

    Your experience may be different as I have met some of different countries who were more tolerant than the American Witnesses.

    As far as my relationship with Jehovah, I still have it and it is much stronger. I worship him in the way he intended for Christians which is not through an organization (all the old ways were done away with) but by having a relationship with him through his son and my mediator Jesus Christ. All things, all people and all authority are currently subjected under his feet and this is Jehovah's arrangement. I read the bible daily and I am still learning new things. Its been two years already and I am very surprised to see just how much I learned from the WT was was wrong. And I pray everyday addressing Jehovah as "father" which is the proper way to address him if you are his son/daughter, and not by his proper name Jehovah. Who addresses their earthly father by his name? Why would you call your heavenly father, if he is that to you, by his proper name?

    Anyway, this site serves a different purpose for many. Some it is for learning new things, some support, some making new friends. Also it does serve to get the truth out about the WT. I am curious as to why if you are so in love with being a Jehovah's Witness, you are on this site?

    Do not be misled about us. Many are still Christians, many found the true meaning of Christianity upon LEAVING the Witnesses. You can read my story on the Freeminds website. My name is Lillian Cruz. If you would like to know more about my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, please feel free to pm me. God bless!

  • anewme

    Well said Lovelylil

  • rebel8
    1. Infinite unselfish compassion (altruism) or infinite love for everything
    2. Absolutely No hate to all life (plant, animal and people)
    As i see it JW's manage relatively well with points 1 2 and 3

    Or not. Here are some examples of hating others, from their own literature: Brochure: Are JWs Loving?

  • spiceant

    Everything i know about JW's comes from the watchtower site which i didnt find very helpfull to learn about the JW people thesmelves and the other information is from ex-JW's which i think is to some extend biased because of your own experiences with the JW's.

    There is a lot of information i cannot be certain about and because of that i want to know more and i believe i cannot do this by trying to find out more over the internet with people who i dont really know.

    And i'm pretty sure they cannot put pressure on me because my own family is one of the ordinary "wordly" family's on the face of this earth.

    And for reference, if i havent been understandable, in my opinion America (and the western culture to a lesser extend) is the great babylon epicenter along with 99.95% of its population and this thought kindoff saddens me.


  • sass_my_frass

    Nah, I've gone full-on hippy; tree-planting, solar-saving, child-sponsoring, you name it. I'm a much better person now that I'm not a JW.

  • Finally-Free
    I can't see why people would want to hate plants.

    That's because you haven't seen all the weeds in my yard.


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    'And for reference, if i havent been understandable, in my opinion America (and the western culture to a lesser extend) is the great babylon epicenter along with 99.95% of its population and this thought kindoff saddens me.'

    Funny that the Bible Students (JW's) started in that very epicenter!

    CS 101

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