Have I changed?

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    What are you doing here Elizabeth?

    Why are you trying to convert people at school and your ex-boyfriend to Watchtower teachings while you come here?

    Did you show your ex-boyfriend this site so that he could get both sides of the story? If not, what did he ever do to you that you want to deceive him like this?

    And haven't you heard our warnings? Haven't you paid any attention to our advice to seek a counselor?

    Go make that call, and don't talk to another single person about the Watchtower until you get your own house in order.

    After you have done your homework and gone to therapy, then if you still choose to go join the JWs, then go for it. It's your life. Ruin it as you see fit. I think you will be making a big mistake, but it is your right to make it. I support your right to make it, but only when you are fully informed about both sides.

    But until then, don't involve people in a group that you are having doubts about yourself. That is a really mean thing to do.

    Be Well, Elizabeth.


  • Narkissos
    Am I the only one not buying into this "chick"?


  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    What is with all the negitivity? I am 17... I can not deal with this. <BR>


  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    I am not trying to convert anyone... all I am doing is talking about the church. Maybe I should just leave here

  • Genesis

    The feelings you have are not relevant now. Whether they make you feel great at the KH and in this board not is not relevant. You need to be factual, logical about all the answers you had here, leave the feelings aside.

    It is hard now but it will pay in the long run believe me.

    And in case you havent understood yet : JW's are a cult. They are deceived and deceive people ! Dont be fooled by appearance, they are the Cult of appearance.


  • jwfacts

    hi Narrow,

    It is quite normal when a person joins something new that they want to tell everyone. Most people that join the JWs are incredibly eager at first and end up loosing most of their old friends.

    It is the same with every religion though. I have a friend at work who became a Wicken (white witch). She could not stop herself telling everyone how wonderful it was to finally understand the meaning of life and being one with God and nature. Eventually she came to realise that people do not like to have religious ideas forced on them, spirituallity is a journey that is meant to be unique for everyone.

    I am the same as you, that is why I am here. I have come to realise that to worship Jehovah does not require a controlling organisation, worshipping Jehovah is a personal thing, and so I want to help as many people as possible find meaning in life without being manipulated by others.

    You make a good point about being 17. You have a long and hopefully happy life ahead of you, so there is no need to rush. 17 is not a good age to be making decisions that will remain with you for the remainder of your life whether you like it or not. To be baptised as a JW requires making a public declaration that you will be identified with gods 'organisation'. Nowhere is such a statement ever made in the bible. The bible says that they were baptised in the name of Jesus, or in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You do not want to be making a truly lifelong committment to any human run organisation at this stage in your life.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    well... I guess it is harder to grasp what really happens without living it, you know. Today in class I told a girl that Abortion is murder and shouldn't be used even in a rape case. I said that there is always adoption. she replied to me "You don't know what it is like for a rape victim, so you can not say that" And she was right... I don't know how it is as a rape victim, nor a JW. But people do it everyday-- with illegal immagrints, homeless, people w/ mental disorders I am not justifying what I say I am just making a point that it is prevelant in society

  • mrsjones5
    I am not justifying what I say I am just making a point that it is prevelant in society

    No you're actually spouting an opinion.


  • glitter

    Today in class I told a girl that Abortion is murder and shouldn't be used even in a rape case. I said that there is always adoption.

    So you TOLD her as if it's a fact? I think you need to start saying "I believe" rather than lecturing random people about moral issues or Biblical issues. I feel sorry for your classmates, you seem aggressive and argumentative.

    It's really none of your business what pregnant rape victims decide to do. If you're ever in that situation, *you* can be traumatised by carrying a rapists baby and go through the pain of giving birth, but don't start saying what other innocent women can *choose* to do (or not do). How would you feel if you were adopted and you found out that you only exist because of rape? What if the mother was only about 12 or 13?

  • nelly136


    the borg tends to swing back and forth on the rape/fornication issue. might be worth finding out what their present stance on it is.

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