Reading WT & Awake for X years = College Education

by under_believer 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi
    BTW they don't do them anymore either--they are now called Oral Reviews--it's just the usual Q&A session only as a review of the few months of TMS&SM sessions.

    Oh crap, I knew that but had forgotten. Gawd, I've only been out for just under 4 months and already things are slipping! This is such a good thing!!

    ...and on a similar note, remember "continuing in the things learned" or some such when the CO came to visit?

    Good times.


  • 95stormfront

    Back in the early 80's and 90's my wife used to put that crap on resumes she'd send out hoping it would come across some JWs desk so she'd get that plum job she was looking for. Guess it didn't do any good as I'm still solely supporting her....

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