Medical Transcriptionist and Team Leader for a multispecialty clinic in the process of brushing up my resume and seeking employment elsewhere. Anybody hiring? ;)
What do you do for living?
by averyniceguy 107 Replies latest jw friends
I own and run an advanced driving academy which means I instruct the instructors.
I work with reptiles, clowns and freaks can you guess what I do for a living?
Manufacturing Maintenance
Produce Christian adult films
Mathematics teacher.
Produce Christian adult films
What, like films ABOUT christian adults or films FOR christian adults - god porn?
No to politician, but close because there are politicians here.
Darn it looking_glass, my next answer was going to be Bethelite.
Shang - 6 of one half a dozen of another. Gov.Body/Bethelite, politician, lawyer, judge all translates into reptiles, clowns and other freaks (except for me of course )
25 years in the development and project management of commercial hospitality/institutional kitchens working with owners, architects, engineers and general contractors. Designed and built the kitchens for restaurants, hotels, schools, prisons, hospitals, fast food, monasterys, museums, airports, retirement homes, truck stops and you name it. 6 of those years as national sales manager for the manufacturer of a line of commercial kitchen related equipment. Now semi retired, doing consulting in the same field.
It kept beans on the table and shoes on the kiddies.
To those I work with I appear to be "raw meat", to those that hire me I am a substitute teacher.