I claim the right to be equally intolerant!
by Gill 17 Replies latest jw friends
The way it has been recently around here has had me contemplating a lot of JW related problems.
I have mentally finally and completely moved away from all things JW in my life and apart from minimal conversation and time spent with my parents, that is all that I ever wish to have to do with anyone JW.
However, there is NO accounting for children. My son has taken up with his JW girlfriend again. I am NOT happy at all. She's a nice enough girl. A FT pioneer from a JW family. Well, let's say all the family on her mothers side are JW. The family on her fathers side, (who by the way is a fat headed, Elder, whom I loathe to the extreme for all the trouble he put me and husband through when we were in his congregation), but the family on his side are a load of criminals. He has one multiple murderer for a brother, one assistant to a murder, armed robbers, and his son has recently admitted to a sexual assault on a non JW woman. He has escaped jail and is now on the Sex Offenders register.
The JW side of the family are not much better. The Son, I just spoke of has recently been thrown out of their house. The Grandfather of this young JW girl is also a JW Elder and PO who caused is intolerable shit when we were in their cong.
Now, the girls parents and younger siblings have gone on holiday for two weeks and my shit head son is round their house staying with her. They are sleeping together, of course. I have warned him that if he's considering a permanent relationship I will have to excommunicate him. Her sister, brother in law, (Ministerial Servant) know that my son is staying round there and so do her Aunt and Uncle. They're all JWs and they have even arranged for my son and this girl to sleep together around at their houses. What really makes me see red, and even confuses my dim son, is that the sister of this girl was talking about something that was said at the Thursday meeting and my son laughed and said: 'You know it's all bull shit, don't you!' They all became really angry with him because they believe it's the 'Troof'!
So someone, for God's sake tell me what the hell is going on there!
I see straight through my son. He's there for the 'free sex'. He's like that. He thinks nothing of using people. He's even told this girl that he doesn't love her, but she insists she loves him, no matter what! (Idiot!)
But I can't make out the JWs in her family who know, support and condone her sleeping with my son.
I did some serious talking to, to my son today. By the time I'd finished let's just say he understood where I was coming from. That hasn't stopped him going round there again tonight.
I will NOT be related to these people. I refuse to tolerate them. When the girl and her sister came round to my house they pushed straight passed me, ran upstairs and were in my son's bedroom so fast, I could do nothing. NEVER AGAIN!
I will not tolerate them!! I will not put up with this.
I have warned my son, that this has to stop as soon as possible as I shall soon be picketing outside the local KH with diagrams if necessary to explain exactly WHAT IS GOING ON!
Bloody JWs! I will NOT tolerate them! I will not!
God! I'm so angry with all of them I could spit!!
hope hes using condoms, can smell an entrapment waiting to happen.
I totally agree it would be so nice to be able to make an absolutely clean break with them. But they're like spider webs in your hair: no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, a few always manage to cling. Have a drink; punch a pillow. Good luck to you.
I just don't get it. What happened to the 'chaperone' rule? Let alone dating outside the Org (assuming your son is a non-Dub).
.....and maybe you should reinforce to your son what nelly136 said too....
Hi All!
Yes! I've warned him about possible entrapment. I think this girl is just trying to escape JW land the only way she thinks she can.
I'm very disappointed in my sons attitude. Very disappointed!
I don't get her JW familys attitude AT ALL!
The girls sister is married to a MS. They go out clubbing. When out, they drink heavily, smoke and the MS's wife goes round snogging all the men she can at the club.
Yet...my son says that the JW religion is totall BS and is warned to shut up and threatened with a punching!
It's totally crazy! What the hell is he doing with these losers?
I can't see why you are worried so much he seems to be out to have fun with that JW girl though he doesn't like their religion at all. I can't see him ever being persuaded to become a JW.
As for the JWs tolerating this kind of hunky punky it is strange because by now that girl would have been thrown out of there. Her father is apparently an influential elder. -
Hi Greendawn - I'm not worried that my son will become a JW. I just don't want him mixing with 'them' for several reasons.
First, this girls family caused us so much shit an picked on us constantly because my husband worked, had a good job, did overtime, when we were in their congregation etc.
They picked on us because I didn't buy sweets for my chidren very often, only chocolate, to preserve their teeth.
They picked on us because we went on holiday, missed meetings, rarely went out on service, we both refused to give talks in the school and demonstrations etc.
They would criticise us in front of any JW who happened to be around and laugh at us. We just took it, like a pair of dopes. At that time, I admit to having been a brainwashed fool and so accepted their behaviour. I now see it for what it was....just bullying. I don't want these shits to have the right to speak to us or for us to acknowledge their existence. If my son is stupid enough to get this girl pregnant, we then have a tie to these people....a grandchild.
No!!! These people are the lowest form of life form as far as I'm concerned.
I've grown and am beyond what they remain. I do not wish a constant reminder of our past by being related to these people. I have explained this in detail to my son. He's so stupid he can't see beyond all the sex he's getting. I think this sex is going to cost him. He is a selfish, stupid and arrogant young man. He's going to get caught. I don't intend to help him out.
That's why I am very angry.
The fact that this happens in "Jehovah's clean organization", is so disappointing. We have learned a new British word? "Snogging" The context is rather easy to sort out but care to define?
Joe Grundy
This is a problem, and your son is not thinking straight. You don't say how old he is, but I'm sure you know that men in general have a problem that when some bits go hard the brain goes soft.
Does your son know the anguish you have suffered because of these people? Would a sit-down talk with him by you and your hubbie laying it all out for him help?
If it came to the crunch, I'm afraid that (depending on his age and circs) I would force him to choose between remaining living with you and this relationship. If it is just sex, there's plenty on offer from less damaging sources.