Here's an excerpt from a article I just read:
"The Holy Koran recognises Jesus as a prophet. What the book says is an insult to both Christians and Muslims," Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan, general secretary of the All-India Sunni Jamiyat-ul-Ulema, told the Reuters news agency.
"Muslims in India will help their Christian brothers protest this attack on our common religious belief," he said.
His stance was supported by Syed Noori, president of Mumbai-based Raza Academy, a Muslim cultural organisation that organises protests on issues concerning Islam.
"If the government doesn't do anything, we will try our own ways of stopping the film from being shown," he said. "We are prepared for violent protests in India if needed."
So now the Muslims are offended by a movie depicting an obscure offshoot of the Catholic Church in a sinister light. And they're prepared for VIOLENT PROTESTS IF NEEDED. Oh boy, let's get out the guns and bats and flame-throwers! Hollywood made a movie with a controversial story line! Time to throw a temper tantrum that will destroy property and send people to the hospital or morgue! But that's not THEIR fault -- it's the fault of the evil Americans who made the movie.
Geez, it's not even supposed to be that good of a movie. Shouldn't they save their protests for something that's more Oscar-worthy? If they'd just sit back and wait, it will fade quietly into a rental DVD before they know it.
edited to remove the "box" ~ Scully