Funny how people will object to nigger but endorse rag-head.
But hell, Muslim whacking is easy and popular, and the mods seem quite happy to just read the threads.
I these muslims spent as much time living for thier faith insteads of dying for it the world would probably be more tolerant of thier disgusting practices
Actually the vast majority of Muslims live peaceful lives and would often if questioned doubt whether the 'bad guys' are really Muslims. I heard an Iman on BBC World Service saying just that today. The 'bad guys' also count an awful lot of ordinary Muslims as 'fair game' in their attempt at Jihad, as the 'bad guys' claim they are the real Muslims. Fortunately peaceful Muslims far far out-number the 'bad guys'.
Obviously a lot of the peaceful Muslims are socially backward, with human rights conditions similar to that of many Western countries a few generations back.
Just like China is 20 years behind in the Space Race, but won't take 20 years to catch up, so too Muslim countries will catch up with regard to Human Rights.
But you can no more convince your great-grand father that blacks are equal and women deserve the vote by giving him a mobile phone and Addidas than you can many people in the Muslim world today.
We forget how quickly our society has changed; it was only in the Sixties that it became acceptable for a woman to go to a pub and be seen drinking in public (in England). Any idot can see their socially backwards, just as we were. But it doesn't change overnight; it comes with the change of genertion and the education of the generation that replaces it.
But no, let's not have a nice sensible discussion, let's just use racist terms and lump almost 1.3 billion into a catagory only 2 or 300 million fit at the very BROADEST definiton. Bigotry and ignorance in one blow, well done, do you feel proud yet?
As for Muslims objecting to the DaVinchi Code, why should we be surprised Islamic religious idiots are as stupid as Christian religious idiots?