Things JW's Say: "Yes I'm Brainwashed... And Proud Of It!"

by under_believer 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Wow, I had no idea it was such an official meme. I always thought it was of R&F apologist manufacture. Thanks, all, for the experiences and input.

  • Fleur

    Okay, just reading the phrase "goatlike thinking" has me ready to lose it. Ugh.

  • under_believer

    The whole sheep/goats thing was impossible for me to deal with even as a kid (no pun intended.) Even back then I knew that goats were totally awesome. I mean they would climb fences and small outbuildings, they would eat tin cans and women's underwear, and then there was all the headbutting.
    Sheep on the other hand just eat, poop, and make wool for sweaters. Yes this is useful, but no it is not cool.
    Then later I realized that they had really taken that sheep and goats parable in Matthew and just RAN with it, man, totally just RAN with it. I mean, it didn't even say "goats" originally, the literal translation was "little kids." Jesus obviously didn't indend for his latter-day organization to be extrapolating out this huge morality lesson about how goats act, and how sheep act, and how he didn't want people who acted like goats and so on, it was just this common agrarian illustration his listeners would have automatically understood.

  • juni

    Yes, I've heard it at CA and DA and then in general conversation.

    They think their brains have been washed clean, but in reality their brains have been taken over and common sense has been replaced w/unreasonableness. They're merely repeating a catchy phrase.


  • atypical

    The society is especially talented, even gifted, at this tactic. They know how to take everything that is being said about them, say it first, and then turn it around. It is genius as far as PR goes, but still bs as far as I'm concerned.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I once overheard two “brothers” talking amongst themselves about how former military people make great “brothers and sisters” because they’ve been conditioned to be obedient.

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