The daughter of a prostitute.

by greendawn 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Well if to virgins marry and keep their vow to each other and never commit adultery, that is true love to each other.

    They chose to have no others but each other.

    Are you saying that only 2 virgins can commit to this? I ask because neither myself nor my boyfriend were virgins when we entered into our relationship, yet we truly love one another with all our hearts. And I desire no man but him and he desires no woman but me.

    So is this love that we have for each other completely pointless due to a torn object on my physical body?

    Answer: NO

    luv, jojo

  • silentWatcher

    hey, I saw the Da vinci code. If hookers were good enough for jesus, they are good enough for any of us.


  • lawrence

    Yes. 1 of my wives was a prostitute, she went back to it. One of my other wives became an unpaid prostitute. Who am I to judge?

  • Scully

    Some feminists are convinced that marriage itself is a form of legalized prostitution. Goods and services (including, but not exclusive to, sexual favors) are exchanged for shelter, security and legitimacy of any children produced by the union. The fact that money is not exchanged directly, but becomes a matter of "bartering" if you will, just makes it less blatantly "prostitution".

    I, too, do not understand certain individuals' prurient interest in sexuality.

  • jw

    Hmmm, lets put it like this. It is a great feeling your signifant other loves and wants only you and vise a versa.

  • wednesday

    this obession with virgins is so sad. men ae so obessed with deflowering a virgins, muslems want 72 at their death, and so on.

    I would not marry a prostitute unless they stopped their profession b/c I don't want disease. But I have no problem with someone who stops this practice and why in the world would I worry about the grandmother? Is she going to teach my grandchildren whoredom?

    So many little people with big egos, worrying about a little piece of tissue covering the opening of the vagina. get a life. The heart is where it is all at, the heart and mind.

  • Mastodon

    Well, they say that the daughter charges only half of the mother's price. But if you marry her it will much more expensive. Might not be too expensive but it'll cost you a lot. Now I gotta go, the aliens are calling again... something about thetans and unus... abduct me please!!!!

  • Gregor

    My wife of 41 years told me about the time when she was about 10 years old that she and her younger brother and sister were sent outside while her mother and father were formally married by the JW brother who had been studying with her mother. That's right, she was a bastard. Her mother was not a prostitute but had led a pretty wild lifestyle. Her dad never became a witness but he went along with the marriage thing.

    Funny how people of different cultures attach stigmas to the offspring of people like my inlaws. To me, when a child is born he or she has the right to start with a clean slate and become whatever they become.

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