I just got of the phone with my younger brother and I am angered to the point of apoplexy. He was planning on going to a wedding of an old close friend of his accompanied by my mom (an active witless still), but happened to check an email address he doesn't use frequently anymore. Surprise! Surprise! He received a wedding UNinvitation. Seems his dear friend he had grown up with had heard "through the grapevine" that my brother was up to things that he didn't approve of, thus he felt it necessary to inform him that he was not welcome at the wedding after all. My brother replied saying "good to hear from you, hear your future wife is a wonderful girl, have a great wedding." I don't think I could have been that congenial. Yes indeed folks, my brother is up to some pretty terrible things. For instance: just graduating from college with honours whilst working full time to pay for living on his own, dating an absolutely fantastic (Catholic gasp!) girl who is in University. I guess I should mention all the banks my brother has robbed and all the people he has murdered.... Oh wait... he just stopped going to meetings because he doesn't agree with what is being taught. I don't know what I'll do if my mom still goes. I'm quite certain she will. What am I going to say to her?
A wedding UNinvitation... please help me before I flip
by Fleshybirdfodder 24 Replies latest jw friends
unbelievable....oh wait, sorry, quite believable. Hive mentality produces cruel effects, rude and judgemental people. sad.
Sounds like your brother is a stand up guy and that his witness friend is losing out on what could have been a great friendship. Look at the positive side, at leaast he didn't spend a bundle on a wedding gift for someone who wasn't deserving of it, and that he checked his e-mail before going. I know how mad and hurt it makes you and him feel, I wish no one would have to experience the pain of losing a friendship over mundane things.
Yes indeed folks, my brother is up to some pretty terrible things. For instance: just graduating from college with honours whilst working full time to pay for living on his own, dating an absolutely fantastic (Catholic gasp!) girl who is in University.
*** GASP ***
How Horrible!!!! That man should be LOCKED UP!!!!
I could tell you a story about what happened to me when I was df'd and my family's wedding trick, but I won't. I think your brother did the right thing by taking the high road and being gracious. He has nothing to be ashamed of, whereas the hosts may feel regret.
That's pitiful. Dubs suck. Your brother was a real gentleman about the whole thing. I would have wanted to say something horrible, but I probably would have just cried or something equally pointless. I hope karma bites super dub in the butt someday real soon.
Wow, each time something like this happens, I am still shocked. And mad!
What to tell your mom?? I liked your sarcasm about his having robbed banks and murdered people and such, no wonder he was uninvited.
Your brother is a real gentleman. I hope that his friend figures out he's losing out by cutting him off.
Your brother will never regret his conduct in this matter, but his 'friend' MAY WELL live to regret his.
White Waves
You sure aren't alone. My baby sister and entire JDUB family ignored me 1 & 1/2 mos before my sister's wedding in December dispite my phone calls. After a few, I knew to let it go. My non-JDUB family kept me posted. The JDUBS regret it now. Maddie will never be able to change that decision (which was her submitting to elder dad's control). She will never have me in those wedding pictures of family. I still have not met her husband. She and my family have started a wave of pathetic reasoning and excuses but I see through it, as does my boyfriend and non-JDUB family. In the end, it will hurt them more than me because they made the decisions not me. Regardless of how they try to excuse their behavior. Actually, look at it this way: in time he and you will have the high ground and they'll know it. I am not letting anyone off the hook but I can move on. Do the same. Good luck to you both!
I got invited to be uninvited to my son's Witness wedding. :-)