When I was heartbroken after I broke up with my non-witness fiancee on the advice of every idiot JW who thought they had a say in my life, I heard about a wedding of an old JW mate. It was a five hour drive away and I had to stay overnight at my bros to get there. I wasn't invited to the reception but I thought I'd go to the wedding anyway; that's what you do here. A few years prior he and I and a couple of other mates formed a 'single until armageddon' club, and I was about to become the only one still single. I thought it would be nice to be there, represent the 'club', and wish them well. When he saw me after the ceremony his face fell, he didn't even say hello, he just turned away. I must have ruined his day just by being there, me the sister who'd proven her faith by giving up her love.
Screw them all.