by plmkrzy 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • plmkrzy
    someday, they'll actually get something slighty, partially right

    The odds are in thier favor to someday get something right.

    I came back to this thread with the stupid idea that at least ONE die-hard would have a comment but I guess I was hoping for way too much. It's funny how some of the most obvious simple questions are avoided.


  • Leolaia

    There can be a lot of eschatological nonsense in the pretrib crowd.

    I was just thinking earlier today about the broo-hu-ha throughout the '90s that Saddam Hussein is the Beast of Revelation who is rebuilding "Babylon the Great" in Iraq, and who will attack Israel to bring about Armageddon.

    Another failed "prediction", it would seem....

  • blondie

    It ain't just JWs that can't stop predicting things. I watch some of the TV evangelizers for a hoot......Van Impe, Hagee, the WWCOG. etc. Falwell, Robertson, Oral Roberts, have had a hand in predicting.

    All you have to do is type in "end of the world" on Google and have a laugh.


  • Hellrider

    If you asked a JW this question, they would of course deny that they have ever predicted anything. All along the literal generation-interpretation the idea was that it would happen "before the generation that saw 1914 had passed away". And when accused of making predictions, they would then say "hey, we`re not saying the day or the hour, only Jehovah knows that" with a goodd conscience. Of course, even then, it is clear that there definitely was an underlying prediction (that it had to happen before the the literal generation had passed away, which meant before 1994 or whatever). And then there was 1975 and 1925, of course, but none of the young ones remember 1975, and the older ones just pretends it never happened. My mother said "but that was some individual wtinesses speculating", and she even believed that (even though she was totally into it in 1875, and, from what my older siblings says, totally nuts that year). But at least technically, they can now say that they have stopped predicting (since the -95-change)...

    Of course, that doesn`t help much. Once a false prophet, always a false prophet. But JWs will deny that these prophecies even ever occured. The brains never worked well on planet JW.

  • plmkrzy

    Saddam Hussein is the Beast of Revelation who is rebuilding "Babylon the Great"
    I started attending the meetings for a short time in the 90’s and missed out on most of that. I caught slivers of it here and there.

    Do you recall if anyone ever accused Bush of being the anti-Christ? After all he is in charge of the big red dragon now. I have heard some refer to the US as Babylon The Great. I’ve heard some witness’s argue/discuss who will end up being the “real” Babylon the great in the end. I have been guilty of that myself so I guess I can’t criticize too much.
    I watch some of the TV evangelizers for a hoot
    I’ve done it. I remember the first time I noticed an evangelizer carrying on about “living in the last days” (Paul&Jan from “The Crystal Cathedral” in Costa Mesa) I remember thinking ‘whoa’ I thought we were the only ones to do that. It seems to me that jws have out done the others when it comes to pounding it in. The other evangelizers are quite a bit more animated though and funny to watch.

    When I began studying again a few years back, I mentioned this to a few folks and they had no idea what I was talking about. I was flabbergasted!

    I remember 1975 very well. My father, who later became an elder in our congregation, stocked our garage with cases of canned goods preparing for the really troubled times that were coming. Lots of witness’s were doing that and worse! There was a sister in our congregation that told her ex-husband, a non-believer, she would give him custody of the kids if 1975 passed and nothing happened. I heard some went as far as to build bomb shelters. I mentioned this to my mother once and she didn’t deny it happened, just said: “Well they were being stupid”.
    I will never understand her devotion to the society as much as she disagrees with what they say and do. She always makes excuses for their “shortcomings” as though even those are prophecy and supposed to happen.

    I blame it on the length of time she has been in this organization. It literally IS her oxygen. I think she was 16 years old when her mother started studying. She is 77 now.too long

  • mkr32208

    They HAVE to keep predicting the end is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Because of their belief that death pays for all sins the end must come within your life time to make it worth doing! If they said well it will be here in 400 years everyone would stop going to meetings the very next week! What would be the point? But if they say the end will be here in 40 minutes that has more impact...

    At least for a while!

  • plmkrzy
    If they said well it will be here in 400 years everyone would stop going to meetings the very next week!

    LOL! You are probably right about that! The thought of being destroyed during Armageddon with no hope of resurrection is enough to keep anyone going to the meetings, but dying BEFORE Armageddon, who cares! It would be an easy out/free pass card.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    '90s that Saddam Hussein is the Beast of Revelation who is rebuilding "Babylon the Great" in Iraq, and who will attack Israel to bring about Armageddon. (My quote button isn't working) REALLY? Lol - I missed that one. What would have been MORE impressive is if they'd prophesied it BEFORE Saddam rose to power/existed. Why do they always choose present-day characters to fulfill what they want to believe?

  • greendawn

    I also believe that they are using their predictive antics as a means of luring in followers with something that has immediate value and appeal rather than use something that is due in the distant future.

    This is obviously an artificial situation given that they failed time and again in their predictions but don't give up on making new ones. They got this end of times trick from the adventists and are the only ones at present exploiting it to the full.

  • plmkrzy

    Why do they always choose present-day characters to fulfill what they want to believe?

    Bad habits are hard to break; I guess that would include always listing.

    luring in followers with something that has immediate value

    People do tend to look for instant gratification in just about everything. The problem with following the wts is there is never any, but people still look for it. It would be interesting to see how many people have left over the years in comparison to how many have joined. I consider myself someone that inherited it I didn’t join. I have a hard time invisioning myself 'joining' on my own. I don't know what it would take to get me to listen to someone at my door and convince me to join a religion. I gotta give the wt credit for that. I wouldn't even buy a vacume from a door to door salesman. My husband did, it would even buff the car!


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