Saddam plays no part (yet) in the official WTS dogma re prophecy. I can imagine a few individual JWs are making "discreet" predictions. But nothing in the publications.
by plmkrzy 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Saddam plays no part (yet) in the official WTS dogma re prophecy. I can imagine a few individual JWs are making "discreet" predictions. But nothing in the publications.
"pretrib crowd"
Preboarding preparations for the pretribe class that ain't goin' no where.
It's like potato chips, once you start you can't stop! No seriously, it's really like that. I actually had this picture in my mind a long time ago that the Witnesses didn't start calling themselves the only approved channel of God untill well after they had proved their worth, then I read the stuff that was published during the 1900's - 1920's. I was amazed at how often they refered to themselves, even at that time as gods only true people. Such arrogence.