Could Someone Explain This

by Undecided 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I have three cherry trees in my yard and the birds eat every cherry before it's fully ripe. My brother-in-law has the same type of cherry trees in his yard and the birds don't bother his at all. They are just about 250 feet from mine. Why don't they eat his cherrys???? There are no cats at either place.

    Ken P.

  • EAGLE-1

    I have heard of using webbing or netting to protect them.I think there are sweet and sour cherry varieties.This could be the difference.

    This is a little freaky but my grandfather would shoot any bird that was molesting the garden and he would leave its corpse in the open.He said it would keep the other birds away.He only shot crows or blackbirds though.If there are firearms ordinances in your area you can purchase extremely powerful air rifles.The best are made in Europe or Japan.US air rifles blow but not much :). Of course having animal corpses in the yard can be a bit unsightly.

    A tin plate tied to a limb so that it spins because of the wind I have heard works too.

  • greendawn

    Since the cherries are of the same type it can only be a mystery as to why the birds pick on one and not the other.

  • greendawn

    Since the cherries are of the same type it can only be a mystery as to why the birds pick on one and not the other. Does your brother in law use some kind of pesticide or something else that may act as a repelent to the birds?

  • greendawn

    I can now recall someone telling me that he was using ultrasonic devices to repel birds eating his fruit because they are effective and environmentally friendly, if you want to gather your cherries and eat them you can inquire about this.

  • OpenFireGlass

    Maybe your brother-in-law has a greater portion of holy spirit bestowed upon his trees...

  • greendawn

    I am sorry about the multiple posts I don't even know how they came to be, perhaps it was due to pressing the enter key by mistake? I finally tried to smooth things off by editing them out and replacing them with new ideas or info.

  • EAGLE-1

    Greendawn is freaking me out. I think I need my meds.

  • ballistic

    I'm no ornithologist but I do know that birds have clearly defined territories. They are often demarkated by structures and fences us humans put up. Maybe a cat or something else undesirable in the vicinity of the other tree makes that area out of bounds even though it may not be in your brother's garden itself.

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Plant one or 2 mulberry trees somewhere away from these cherries and the birds will abandon every berry type to eat mulberries.

    Also if you use netting make certain that you hold them up with 2 or 3 poles that are taller than the trees as that way the netting will not touch the berries or foliage. If it touches then the birds can still get it very easily but unfortunately using this type of protection you have to watch for birds getting snagged and either starving, breaking a wing, or becoming a tasty morsel to a passing cat.


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