Death unnatural in humans...another Watchtower lie!

by Gill 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Heres a nice story about a tiger that pined the lose of her triplets.

    In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size, they died shortly after birth. The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health, although physically she was fine.

    The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve. After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother. Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only "orphans" that could be found quickly,were a litter of wiener pigs.

  • Gill

    That Tiger is under sedation!!!!!!!

    You're pulling our legs, right!!!!

  • Satanus

    Then, the tiger ate the juicey little piglets and felt much better.


  • onesong

    Our only fear should not be of dying...but rather, of not having lived.

  • Satanus

    There is not a shred of evidence to backup the theory that god's original plan for man was eternal life, or that the original state was some kind of physical/material undecaying perfection. All evidence on the earth and out there points to things having always been the way that they are now, or perhaps worse, during the ice ages.


  • moomanchu

    On the Discovery Channel for the first time they captured Hippos on video mourning the death of a calf.

    They layed down in a circle around the calf for about 2 hours protecting it and showing grief. Then they slowly got up and left and the crocs I think they were crocs had a nice supper.

  • DannyHaszard

    Don't forget the WT writers plagierze their ideas from everybody,a popular quote from the awake that had always resounded with me was their "great paradox of dying" on how an organism so wonderful that it could produce itself by extraordinary means but then be incapable of sustaining itself forever in perfect condition.Yes indeed a profound thought but Jesus still did not come to power in 1914 and all your profound thoughts are red herrings.

    I lived within a mile of a waterfowl sanctuary with hundreds of Canadian geese,it's said that geese mate for life.I have seen a goose run over and flattened on the road after being hit by a car (it was near a busy road) and it's mate hovering over it's dead lover for days.

    Absolutely amazing!

  • DannyHaszard
  • Gill

    Danny - that Canadian Geese story is very moving. So many things like that make you realise that everything we were told as JWs was just BS! A death in old age, though sad, is not as traumatic as the loss of a young person. It's also the potential that we grieve. But having had numerous relatives die in very old age, though very sad for them, you realise they have lived long and perhaps fulfilled lives. The Canadian Geese, like any person, was grieving his 'lost horizon' the future he had expected with his mate. it's the future we expect that we grieve. With a very, very old person, death is expected. We don't expect them to be on their way to a new job, new child, etc and we hope they have done all they wanted. Death, in a full and long life is saddening.....and since we don't know for sure if our loved ones have gone somewhere else, or are lost forever, that uncertainty always adds to the pain. To JWs there is a heavier burden of loss. To see someone else again, in the future, who has died, they have a heavy price to pay....continued worship of the WTBTS....and then only a 'maybe' to put their hopes in. I remember my GP, saying of a just lost relative: 'As long as you remember her, she always lives on in your heart. The rest...we get to find out one day.' There was a touch of hope in her that as a JW I did not appreciate. I wish I'd had that kind of hope then. Now, it feels good to not know for sure where we go when we die and have hope that there is more...far more than we can imagine. i no longer believe in that cold lonely grave of the WTBTS.

  • BritBoy


    I have a lot of issue with this... firstly what if Adam had NOT sinned, would then all woman die at roughly 80 years of age, but men just keep living forever? Also, why is the WT stance that animals will die of old age, but humans won't... why? Why keep renewing the animals, but not the humans? And what about when the world is full of people, will we just stop breeding? Does that mean we will stop having sex? And then what about the children born at this point when all sex/breeding stops, do they never get to have their own children? And then forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever we live harvesting fruit and singing kingdum melodies to Jahoover? What else do we do? Do we get to travel to other countries to meet other everlasting living humans once we have got to know all the everlasting living ones in our area? And once sex stops, do we just live as drones? Worker bees for Jahoover? Also, how long would it take for Jahoover to make me straight? I mean I knew I was Gay and was holding out for perfection, but what I couldn't work out was how long after Armagonnagetit would I stop having these urges towards other men. And I couldn't ask this question as admitting this to someone would out me and you could only imagine the shit I would have!!

    These and many MANY other questions kept me awake into the wee hours of the morning!


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