Sometimes I must confess bewilderment at people’s talk of “cults”: i.e. comments like “well, the Witnesses display all the characteristics of a cult as noted by [insert anti-cult website here].” Has it occurred to anyone that the idea of a cult is a human invention, indeed a very peculiar modern human construct in comparison with the rest of social history? Now, I’m not saying the modern invention of the “cult as a negative social group label” is necessarily wrong or bad, but just that that is what it is: a human invention. Logically, the fact that a website or some authority figure has put together a list of “cult characteristics” does not by necessity mean that the list they comprise is somehow the entire truth about the matter. I think too often people pull out arguments about “cults” the same way that JWs pull out their Reasoning Books: from “These are the characteristics of the true religion” (human construct) to “These are the characteristics of mind-control cults” (human construct). I believe these are both gross reifications, albeit I am more apt to agree with the latter than the former.
I personally believe the idea of a “cult as a negative” is an outgrowth of liberal Enlightenment thinking which emphasized rationality and individual freedom. Only after the Enlightenment could “excessive group conformity” be considered a feature of a cult.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe the idea of a “cult” is somewhat useful. Just bear in mind that it is a far slippier and culturally contingent concept than what appears to be the case when reading certain posts on this forum.