Let's see, Honda Accord and Honda Sabre 1100 motorcycle. I drive/ride both 50/50 during the warm months.
The car is conservative, styled well, has excellent reliability, and gets rather decent gas mileage for a V6. The Sabre mirrors many of the same traits as the Accord, except for the gas mileage which is in the low 40's. Oh, and it has two wheels instead of four.
I think a blending of both vehicles reflects my personality quite well. Choosing both came down to a matter of reliability, resale value(a little less with the bike), looks, and cost of ownership. Sure, I love the Audi A6's, but their reliability is similar to VW - tends to be fair to poor. As much as I think an Audi A6 would fit "me" better, it also screams look at me in a way. Honda's are a little more low-key. I also view Toyotas the same way. I have this thing when I hear certain cars being mentioned, I immediately think "gas guzzler, breaks down frequently, depreciates faster than a used stick of chewing gum, etc." Just hearing the make and model of a car makes me cringe sometimes. And I think, "what on earth made you buy that car??"
Can you tell I tend to overanalyze everything I buy?