Local campaign to stop doorstep calling, will it succeed?

by BluesBrother 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I think the original article is fairly general and does not imply doorstep proselytising. If legislation was passed, and was applied to JWs, they would fairly bask in the glow of the self-justifying "persecution".

    They are obsessed with knocking on doors, so they would really see being asked to desist from pestering people in their own homes as a curtailment of their "preaching". I was told that years ago, there would be a door in a doorframe stood on the platform for demonstrations.

  • sass_my_frass

    Nah, it won't stop them. All the idiot JWs I know would think 'hooray, persecution, the end must be very close' and go out on the preach every week for three months.

    I was always told that we could ignore No Trespassing signs because we weren't trespassing, we have a legal right to access that part of their property between their gate and their door. The only thing that could stop us was a sign saying 'No JWs' or a Do Not Call note on the territory map.

  • Fe2O3Girl
    The only thing that could stop us was a sign saying 'No JWs' or a Do Not Call note on the territory map.

    Assuming that whoever was looking after the map that day bothered to check and let the publishers, usually women and kids, know where the Do Not Calls were. Most of the time, some old girl and little kid got yelled at because Brother Bighat hadn't told them.

  • KW13

    Even with signs saying similar the witnesses here still knock, you'd have to have a stick saying "no jehovah's witnesses" but even then, you'd probably get an elder once a year lol.

  • Golf
  • Golf

    Isn't North America 'suppose' to be a FREE COUNTRY?


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