It's just one of those things that allows you do dehumanise people, if you think of them as nothing more than a fulfillment of a function then it is easier for you to shun them if they decide not to do as the governing body decree. It means you get less attached to people, rather than the organisation; just think, if your partner was the centre of your universe, your other half, then how many people would leave the borg if their partner saw through the bullshit?
Calling your partner/spouse your "mate"
by Fe2O3Girl 13 Replies latest social family
It makes me shudder to think - just how many trigger words there are. Maybe there's a good reason I don't comprehent "truth" in the same "light" as normal people!
Crumpet, I love your new that yer mate????you make a really cute couple.
I think someone hit it on the head when they said that animals are referred to as having "mates".
Words can have a subtle yet powerful effect in molding our subconscious thoughts. This is a perfect example. When we think of the word "spouse" or "partner" or "husband" or "wife", we regard those words as conveying the thought that people who love and care about each other and have mutual respect for each other are together in a committed relationship. When we think about the word "mate" - although it is "technically" correct - there is something lacking in the fullness of what the relationship should be. It relegates marriage to an "animal" level, as though a truly Spiritual Person™ would not need to have a committed relationship with anyone other than God / WTS. It reminds us of the physical act of "mating" as something that occurs between animals - that it is purely a physical relationship meant to fulfill "base" and "selfish" and "animal" sexual desires, not one based on trust, respect and love for someone else. It also very subtly reinforces the male dominant/female submissive position in the WTS by using the word - animals only "mate" in one position - male dominant, female submissive.
It doesn't mean that everyone in the WTS understands or would verbalize it this way, but I wouldn't be surprised if the word "mate" being used instead of "spouse" or "partner", contributes subconsciously to undermine women on practically every level in WT land.