It's another psychological trick by the GB to motivate the dubs who are apparently losing their enthusiasm for the org, trying to identify them with the negligent Jews that got jehovah angry, the assumption is that jehovah is angry with the negligent JWs today.
Well said Greendawn
One one hand....." the nations are 'streaming' to the mountain of Jehovah" On this same hand Jehovah is "speeding up the work in his DUE time". And on this same hand since 1919 Jehovah has blessed his people who have proven worthy at vindicating his mighty name and making known the Good News.
...but on the other hand, his people have slowed down, become lax, they are spiritually lazy and apathetic.
The poor bald bastards are truely showing their dementia more and more with each passing year. They give pats on the back while they are kicking these same ones in the they have ALWAYS done.