How can someone who doesn't know the language..translate a book?

by Judas I. 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Spectrum

    If the Bible was inspired of God and God knew that it's fulfillment would be post 1914 then why did he not use his intelligence to make it reader friendly over the centuries by guiding language development to fit the only true interpretation.
    I mean, if Microsoft can make user friendly applications why can't God.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    Stapler...I am under the impression that was all part of the allow people to twist the words so they would claim to be followers of Jesus. If they could not do you really think they would still continue to claim to be his followers? Think abouty it.

  • lovelylil


    Not every word and comma was put into the Bible by God himself. The bible writers, who were humans, wrote using their own abilities and language at that time to simply convey the thoughts of God. I can see no reason that they would use language we would be familiar with today. Language is always changing from generation to generation. When sometime does not fit with the rest of the bible, it is up to us to investigate more. For instance, how can some teach the hellfire doctrine and then teach God is Love? Isn't this a contradiction? With some easy research we can see that fire is used in the bible to signify total destruction, beyond repair. Fire burns things into ashes so it would be hard to reconstruct. Can't get more totally gone than that now can you?

  • zagor

    To be able to translate from any language one must not only have a dictionary but live and breath the language through daily use only then can he start thinking about translating it and it still wouldn't mean that translation is flawless because it would still be possibly painted by his own interpretations and what emphasis he puts on certain things.
    when talking about old Hebrew or Greek that difficulty is at least 10-fold. Not only that words change or reverse meanings but the way how you express your thoughts also changes, hence certain analogies Jesus or prophets were telling were likely very natural to their contemporaries and they've got meaning instantly, however as times goes by, new generations come they start also seeing things in different light, but what if we are talking not about only new generation but a gap of some 100 or more generations, what are the chances that original meaning would be preserved, or that we living in to them back then alien world would completely comprehend the full meaning even if we spoke fluently modern version of the old language?
    now add to that how can someone who doesn't even speak a word of even modern language let alone ancient can using only a dictionary translate a meaning!?!?!

    Which is why, NWT is packed with wrong emphasis on different words or meanings. John 3:17 speak elegantly about the need to get to know God and Christ and have personal relationship with them, which is the meaning that most reputable translations try to convey. NWT on the other hand renders Greek word GINWSKWSI as "taking in knowledge" which puts completely other emphasis i.e. one of acquiring an academic knowledge rather than knowing through a relationship.
    to put it into a perspective, if you just knew facts about a girl, what she likes, dislikes, what she wears, eats etc, would that bring you any closer to her? Possibly it is useful information but not very likely (rather you'd be a stalker).
    Today's tabloids are full of such 'knowledge' about celebrities but does that bring one any close to those people in terms of really knowing them. It is like reading Australian Woman's Weekly and then claiming to, say, KNOW Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. Ridiculous isn't it?
    Yet that is exactly the kind of knowledge WTBS puts emphasis on and every weekly meeting is basically perpetual proving to others that one has acquired such knowledge, which is why most dubs turn into experts in highlighting magazines and books so that ones sitting next to them can be impressed, in fact the more colors the better.
    If Jesus really walked the earth I doubt that was the kind of knowledge he had in mind.

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.


    What if you are wrong...and "My love for you is a burning consuming fire"?

    Or "the earth shall be consumed by the fire of my zeal"?

    Who taught you that fire meant everlasting destruction?

    Are you leaning upon your own understanding to present your opinion as truth?

    I have noticed alot of people doing that lately.

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