Oh, greendawn. I do think there is always a danger. We can't pretend we don't have the same seeds for cruelty as in the society. I'm not kidding about the need to be vigilant.
JWD forum is another battleground for your souls.
by Spectrum 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is a church at the end of the street where I live. They had a sign that said, "God Is Love." "Love Is Not God".
I told my christain wife, considering the condition of the world that's hard to believe. She didn't answer.
Ken P.
I am starting to believe that some day all believers and unbelievers alike, will find out that we all
got most of it wrong! The time in between now and then is a learning experience for all mankind.
My biggest beef with most Christians (and I am one of them) is their narrow minded, idealistic view of everything. "we have all the answers and only right interpretations" - and you need to obey or be destroyed! This is such an UnChristian view its not even funny, it is sad. They go against their own Master, Jesus (whom they claim to follow) who by the way NEVER judged anyone for not believing in him EXCEPT the religious leaders of the day who were total hypocrites! Dumping a heavy burden on their lowly followers - sound familiar? This is exactly what ALL religious institutions do today. Jesus message was simple - go to him to be taught about God and free yourself from man made institutions claiming authority from God and abusing their self appointed authority. They showed by their works, there was nothing Godly about them. No wonder they wanted Jesus dead for exposing the truth about them. Even if you are an unbeliever, Jesus message on breaking free from religious institutions is a great teaching for all, no matter what we believe. I personally believe in having faith in God - but I am totally against man made religions, rules, and doctrines.
For all you "Christians" out there:
So we think we are "true" Christians, well if we are we need to take note of this fact: Jesus taught his followers that LOVE not HEAD KNOWLEDGE, BIBLE UNDERSTANDING, Nor being in a RIGHT RELIGION was how you would know his TRUE followers. It amazes me how this fact excapes many claiming to be Christians. Because how many of us Christians (myself included sometimes) judge everyone else as unworthy for not believing our narrow-minded, exclusive bible view? How many of us are awaiting or at one time were awaiting the destruction of most of mankind - so that we could practice our "true" religion with other like-minded believers. Does this not sound like a sick view to you, now that you see it here in writing? It is no wonder that many people cannot stand us and get sick of listening to us.The bible's message is supposed to be one of hope for the future - but WE make it about doom and destruction.
Of course this can go both ways and some unbelievers can be just as narrow-minded and forceful.
We should all be respectful of others beliefs, be willing to share ideas, agree to disagree, and most importantly treat others the way we would want to be treated. Christians need to first and foremost remember that the Bible is a book for believers. If someone is not a believer, why do we get upset if they do not express appreciation for our book? It has merit for us believers only. We cannot convert people to our way - most people become Christians (not including those baptised at birth by parents) because they feel a personal calling to do so. IF someone is not feeling that calling, why are we trying to force them into the faith? Scaring them with hellfire and total destruction to do so. We will be just like the Pharisees if we do that. We are messengers of Reconciliation and bringing all things back to God - not messengers of Doom.
Anyway, I am done with my rant for today, I realize, maybe I am the "idealist" as my views on how to treat others are much easier said than done! Have a nice day everyone. Lilly
Sparplug, IP_SEC,
You guys kill me!! I was actually going to extend it but I wrote it late and so could think how. But please feel free to add to it! -
That was a nice piece and an anathem for JWs. They could never think the way you suggest.
Though your words try to say otherwise, still the essence of your post fulfills the title of this thread.
The point I'm trying to make is, we cannot get away from it, especially when discussing these matters. You convinced me of how christians should behave. But now I have to take a step back and think what has Lyli done to me? And the never ending cycle continues. -
A forum is a place to discuss issues.
A battleground is a place where people die, and the last one standing is the winner.
Hmm. Does might make right? Does the ability to make a better sounding argument
make a person right? As a Witness, I was taught to win arguments based on the
Bible. I felt good when I proved a point to someone. Did that make me right?
Maybe the other person was right, but they were too kind to argue with me.
Or, maybe they had knowledge that would prove me wrong but were unable to formulate
an effective defense.
Do I have a soul? Am I a soul? Does the soul that sins die? Is there sin?
Or, does the body just break down eventually on its own because that's how 'life'
works in this universe?
Is there a god or gods? Is there a Devil, and are there really demons?
If demons exist, why do they insist on scaring people instead of carrying on
meaningful conversations with humans?
If humans can live forever on earth, why didn't god just go ahead and let someone
keep living so we at least know it's possible?
JW's have all the answers. That is very comforting. Having answers.
Learning to question all the answers is like coming off a drug.
Often, one is left with the questions. No answers.
May the questions plague me until I die.
Dave -
"Is there a god or gods? Is there a Devil, and are there really demons?
If demons exist, why do they insist on scaring people instead of carrying on
meaningful conversations with humans?
keep living so we at least know it's possible?"
These very good points. Simple but can trip up a die hard christian or moslem -
I disagree with some of what you said. I am not trying to save your soul in any way. What I said was, IF you believe in a God, then that is his job to convert people to him. And when I addressed "you Christians out there" I meant that for believers only, not unbelievers. I was simply saying I don't blame anyone for not listening to the Christians message today because It is not one of love and forgiveness like the bible says it should be, but rather one of hate and doom.
But like you said, you cannot get away from it in this world. The same is for us believers too. We cannot get away from those who do not believe. So we better all try to figure out how to be civil to each other. Good luck with your post.
Shining One
>I am fairly positive my cosy relationship with the Athiest/Agnostic crowd drives "Shining One" mad.
Not at all. You often (not always) compromise Biblical principles to side with the popular opinion. That is what most of mainline religion has done and it has cost them dearly. The result is they are marginalized and sliding down a slippery slope to oblivion. What drives the carnal Christians mad is to be in close proximity with someone who stands up for a righteous, consistent standard. I know where you come from and that is your choice. You will have answer for it just as I will for mine. How much of your 'house' is on shifting sand? How much straw and wood have you built on the foundation of the apostles? I am glad that we have a merciful savior.
Rex -
Sparplug, IP_SEC,
I dare not tamper nor tread upon perfection.
For in the arangment of words lies a piece of the soul.
The soul must only bend to love.
Stop me! I am ready to swoon!